Friday, July 26, 2013

2 Wonderful Years

Of blogging, that is!

Happy 2nd Birthday, Sweet Home SB! It has been a beautiful ride, this blogging experience. It has changed me so much more than I could even express. I have learned more about myself in these past 2 years than in the all of the prior 22 combined. I truly met Jesus in these past 2 years, and I am so thankful that I have this little bloggy to document such a pivotal time in my life. 

None of this would have been possible without you. Yes, you! So in order to thank you, I asked a handful of my favorite blogging ladies if they would be so kind as to contribute gifts for this special occasion. 

And lucky for us, they said yes! If you don't already know these ladies, take this giveaway as a great opportunity to make some new friends! Because trust me, they are all ahhhmazing!

The prizes? 

$25 Starbucks giftcard
Large Ad Space on Imperfectly Perfect Grace
Small Ad Space on Sweetness Itself

Good luck, ladies!! Thank you all for the part you play in making this blog such a blessing in my life!


  1. happy Blogoversary!!! I'm so lucky to have found you online, my friend.

  2. happy blogiversary amy! i have loved getting to know you through this space girl. so exciting!

  3. Happy 2 years love! So glad I could be a part of this:)

  4. Yay- congrats girl! :)

  5. Hooray! Happy bloggy birthday Amy :)
