Friday, June 21, 2013

HAPPY Friday!

Made it through the week!! Was it a long one for you? It sure was for me! There were quite a few stressful moments, but also tons of moments that made me happy

Let's recap, shall we?

*This girl coming back to Santa Barbara made me happy*

Blog friends, meet Kali. I met this girl right around the time I met Madeleine. I thought I was getting myself into a group of guy friends, and turned out I walked away with some of my now closest girlfriends. 


*Getting a card from my sweet blog friend made me happy.*

*Getting coffee with this girl made me happy*

That would be Hosanna, my gorgeous friend who, in a matter of a few months, will be jet setting off to Germany for a year. 

So what does any good friend suggest one do before setting off on a big world adventure? 

Start a blog, of course!

Go check her out over here. Leave her a comment to tell her that she absolutely made the right choice by starting a blog, will ya? 

You guys are the best :)

*Make shift desserts of marshmallows, dark chocolate and almond butter made me happy*

*Whole foods made me happy*

Which it always does. 

*The fact that you can now post videos to Instagram makes me happy*

Vine, who?

*The fact that I will be having peanut butter cocoa dark chocolate energy ball deliciousness tomorrow at work makes me happy*

*The fact that our God is amazing and incredible and protects us always makes me happy*

What made you happy this week?


  1. The card it too cute!! Love that dark purple/pink dress on you! Have a great weekend!!

  2. Your sweet smile makes me happy! :) Love that card, so cute!

  3. I love all of your outfits in these pictures! That card is sooo cute! Have a great weekend, girly :)

  4. This was the absolute longest week ever!!! I have no idea why haha but it looks like you had lots and lots of fun stuff going on :)

  5. Such a *happy* post! :) I was soo blessed by our coffee date on Wednesday. And I already love this whole blogging concept. Thanks for persuading me to begin one!

  6. AAww yay, happy post!! LOL, the video is funny! So happy you are having a happy time. I know it sounds cheesy but it's true. You always make me smile, my sister!

  7. What a fun week you had filled with awesome friends! Love seeing you so happy, girl! And those makeshift little marshmallow snacks look SO good! Have a wonderful weekend :)


  9. Cute post! I love girlfriends!!! :) And yay for your friend starting a blog! Will go check it out now! :)

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. So many friends! I love it! It looks like you have really had a wonderful week! :) And that card is too cute!

  12. reading this post makes me happy! love you!
