Monday, May 6, 2013

What do I do?

Love this question that Jenni has given us today:

If you couldn't answer with your job, 
how would you answer the question 'what do you do?'

My answer:

I learn, I go & I love. 

I make mistakes. I fall down. I go the wrong way, say the wrong thing. I treat people in a way that I wouldn't want to treat them. 

And from all of this, I learn. I learn how to correct my mistakes, how to get back up. How to turn around, retrace my steps, and go the right way next time. I learn to think before I speak, and I learn how to apologize. 

Every single day I am learning, and growing into the person that I want to be.

I make memories, make plans. I go out to lunch, or dinner, or coffee to catch up with a good friend. I spend the money to go to a concert or a baseball game. I hop in the car and make the drive to go visit someone I love, and when the drive is too far, I book a flight. 

I go. I recognize that now is the time to do these things, before I have a family to put first. So I may not be saving as much as I should, but right now, I choose to go make those memories. 

I love. This pretty much combines all three into one. I love people by spending time with them, by listening to them, by laughing with them. I love people by going through this thing called life with them. 

I spent the majority of my life loving people in a way that always left me looking for validation in return. I am finally learning how to love selflessly, the way Christ loves me. And while it's a constant work in progress, it's absolutely something I am committed to working on. My one desire for this life is to love people in a way that points them back to Christ. 

What do you do?


  1. Soo good my friend! So good! Enjoy!

  2. Great answers, friend! You have such a sweet spirit :) Your blog always leaves me feeling refreshed!

  3. ah! i love your answer, especially the loving selflessly part. it's great you are taking that love like He gives it and sharing it out. that's the gospel girl! woot!

  4. I have agree with the other bloggers who commented because this was a WONDERFUL answer to this question. Such simple words that can not only change your life, but the lives of others as well (especially the loving one!). :)

  5. this is such a great post. i think it's important that we do not define ourselves by a career or job, and instead the type of person we are. love the words you chose to describe yourself.

  6. Beautiful post my friend! I've seen these posts on quite a few of my daily reads and I really had to sit down and think about what I am. But I think I have it nailed :).

    I love that you make that effort, time wise and financially to go and spend time with those you love. It's encouraging and I definitely need to work on that aspect of my life!
