Tuesday, May 14, 2013

SB Wine Country Half Marathon {Race Recap/Review}

This past weekend, I ran my first half marathon! For those of you who have been around for a while, you know this has been a long time coming. It's amazing how fast time flies, it's hard to believe I was actually in a boot for 6 weeks not too long ago. I'm thankful for that injury, because it made it 10X sweeter to cross that finish line. 

This was by far, the most beautiful race I have ever run. Probably even more beautiful than any race I could have dreamed up. The pictures really don't do it justice. 

The race started in Santa Ynez, which is a little remote town about 40 minutes outside of Santa Barbara. We ran through that and two other towns, all well known for their wineries (hence the race name!). After getting through Santa Ynez, we made our way through Los Olivos (probably my favorite of the three), and finished in adorable Sulvang. 

Having been doing all of my running lately in Santa Barbara and San Diego, I'm used to either running through neighborhoods or running along the beach {not complaining one bit about that!}. 

This race took us through fields and farms, nothing short of gorgeous scenery at each leg of the race. 

We even saw a buffalo:

It. Was. Incredible. 

If you're ever looking for a half marathon to do in California, I would highly, highly suggest this one. There are definitely hills that give it a challenge, but you really can't beat the scenery. 

The one piece of criticism that I have for Destination Races is please, please, please have water bottles at the finish line next year. Everyone I talked to found it very shocking that there was only a small water station with plastic cups, in an area where we were asked to continue walking so as to allow others to pass through the finish line. 

Once we followed the directions and continued moving, there was no sign of water anywhere. Seeing as we had just run 13.1 miles, and it very quickly became a whopping 90+ degrees, I think this was just asking for dehydration to hit. 

So, there's my one piece of helpful advice for next year. Other than that, the race really was fantastic!

Not to mention, you finish smack dab in wine country. 

Helloooo post race festivites!

I want to say a giant thank you to all of you readers who have been praying with me through this. Through all of the races, all of the knee pain, foot pain, and just plain fear. 

You guys got me through this. Your prayers. 

So thank you. Thank you so, so, so much!


  1. YOU GO, GIRL! Wow, what beautiful scenery!! They could have at least gave you a glass of wine at the end ;) haha! Love the 'do work' tank top!

  2. This is so great love! So proud of you and all of your hard work! I cannot wait to get to running a half marathon!

  3. Congratulations! You are amazing! Such an amazing accomplishment!

  4. Congratulations, Amy!!! What a BEAUTIFUL race course. I also love that starting line haha. I can't believe they didn't have water, I would definitely tweet or email this to them if you haven't yet. At least there was plenty of wine afterwards :)

  5. aw you are so welcome! And congrats on winning the gold! Whohooo, I knew you could do it! :D

  6. girl, you inspire me to want to run a race. congratulations on crossing it off your list. awesome. and finishing up in wine country - can't beat that!!

  7. Awesome job! I can't even run 1 full mile, and I've been trying off and on for a couple of years. I'm so jealous! :-)

  8. You are an inspiration!!! Congratulations !!!

  9. Congratulations! That's so awesome!

  10. Wow!! Congrats Amy on the marathon! That's aaammmaaazzzing!! So impressed:) love Katie

  11. congratulations girl!!!!!! how awesome. (and what the heck, no water?! are they cray cray?!)

  12. congratulations! that is such a big accomplishment! I'm impressed - I'm definitely not the running type (yet) but am trying to work myself into loving it!

  13. your running blogs inspires me to... ofcourse, run :) or maybe jog every once in a while for a healthy life.Keep blogging Amy!

    and keep shining for Jesus!
