Saturday, May 4, 2013

Prayer Chain // Week 10

Hello, lovelies! Happy Sunday!

Today, I have some really amazing praise to share with you all. Some of you may remember way back in January when I posted about Dawn and her battle with cancer.

If you haven't yet, I would highly encourage you to go to that post, scroll past all of my words, and read Dawn's own testimony of this experience. I guarantee you that her faith will leave you feeling more encouraged in how incredible our God is.  

This past week, I got the wonderful news that Dawn is in remission!

With no chemo, folks!! Just prayer!

If that doesn't speak to the power of prayer, and of our God, then I don't know what does!

As for this week's prayer request, most of you may know that I am about to run my first half marathon (insert happy dance). 

Next Saturday, I'll be making my way through those 13.1 miles, and I could not be more excited! 

If you've been following for a while, you may remember my not-so-good friend, stress fracture. Well, I hadn't experienced any foot pain at all this time around, which is great! I had some knee pain, but didn't feel anything while running my last long run last week. 

I was ecstatic! 

Until after a short 4 mile run this week, I started feeling the exact same feeling as the beginning of my stress fracture in the opposite foot. :( No bueno. 

Since it's in the early stages, and I really have no idea if it is a stress fracture forming or not, I am confident that I can nip this in the butt (which I just found out is really nip this in the bud, but I'm gonna leave it butt because it's more awesome this way. Thanks, Tab!). I already got new shoes for extra support, and plan to go really easy until my actual race next Saturday. 

Please pray for healing and strength, as I am pretty determined to finish this thing. Please also pray that I will be disciplined enough to listen to God. If He has a lesson in here somewhere (which He always does, am I right?), I want to find it. Not be too stubborn to listen. 

How can we be praying for you?

Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray.
Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing praises. 
Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them 
pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. 

James 5: 13-14
Sweet Home Santa Barbara


  1. Praying for sure! The Lord will heal you and have you running in that marathon if it's His plan. And praise the Lord! Prayer is a miracle worker. I can't believe that I doubt it sometimes, even after hearing stories like this. God is SO faithful, girl!

  2. Praying for you sweet girl, that is a lot of stress you are putting on your body but I know that you can do it with the Lord's strength! Praise him for his healing ability and that he would use this to bring your aunt and family closer to him!.

  3. What a great praise!! :-) I will definitely be praying for your race next weekend and of course, for healing beforehand. Good luck!!

  4. Our God is so good. We recently had a friend beat medical odds with the proper of prayer too. Amazing I tell you. Good luck on your race excited to hear all about it when it's race time.
