Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Over the years, I've learned that the best place to go to for advice is the Bible. 

Of course I still love to go dish my dirt to my girlfriends to hear what they have to say. But generally, I'll have confidence in what I'm doing if I know it lines up with the Word. 

So today, I give you some of the best biblical advice that I know of:

So point blank:

Trust God, He's got this. 

{And yet, why is that so hard for me to do sometimes?}


  1. That is GOOD advice, and definitely easier said than done (especially trusting with ALL my heart). And I love that you said that advice from the Bible is the best--because it most definitely is. :)

  2. Amen girly! It's such an easy thing because Jesus has proved Himself more than once to be trust worthy. I just wonder why it's so hard sometimes for us..For me at least! :)

  3. Absolutely...scripture is always the best advice!

  4. yes, going to God's word is always the best. and i hear ya. although i realize i'm not supposed to lean on my own understanding, i always try to figure things out still. very stubborn of me!

  5. Yes, why not trust in the One who knows everything? I find this is still difficult for me as well, to trust in God and to have faith. I think it's only human, but it's true -- our friends and family have a limited perspective and knowledge -- why not tap into something greater -- someone who knows our hearts and passions and has even planted them there?

    Thanks for sharing this. This verse has given me lots of comfort in the past and it's nice to be reminded of it.

  6. It IS hard to do sometimes but it's great to be reminded. Thanks Amy. This is such good advice! :D

    God bless you always, my friend.

  7. Awesome! Thanks for sharing this!

  8. This verse has actually been on my heart this week. :)

  9. This has been my memory verse since my birthday last weekend. It is so hard to do, but we'll never be truly happy unless we do, I think.
