Monday, April 15, 2013

My Weekend

According to Instagram (@sweethomesb):

^^National Grilled Cheese Day^^

^^Clothing Swap Party^^

^^Saturday morning hike^^

^^Garden birthday party^^

And no instagramming was done on Sunday. (gasp!)

Mainly because laundry doesn't make a very cute pic, regardless of the filter. 

How was your weeknd?

Linking up with Sami.


  1. you look so pretty in the clothing swap and the garden party. and that grilled cheese? i want one now. so much.

  2. I seriously adore your outfits! You always look so put together. Looks like a lovely weekend!

  3. Looks like such a fun weekend!!! And grilled cheese...gimmie gimmie! I had no clue there was such a day. Found you from the link up :)

  4. oh my gosh it looks like you had a blast!!!!
    Love the garden themed party!

  5. Looks like you had a fun filled weekend! Much better than my staying in and studying all day everyday!

  6. Why do you torture us with delicious food?! I love it! LOL, :P Show us more!

    my weekend was good thanks! looks like you had a good one too. Yay!!! Did you get to wear any of your new outfits this weekend? :)

  7. @Hilda well of all the clothes, I only kept the necklace. You had to pay for each item you wanted to keep, and could only afford to keep one thing this time.

    But yes, I wore the necklace on Friday! And I am so happy I kept it! :)

  8. Looking like such a fun weekend!!

  9. sounds fabulous, especially the grilled cheese part!! aaah! looks so yummmmmmy!!

  10. How the heck did I miss grilled cheese day?! I'm ashamed of myself! At least you looked adorable all weekend :)

  11. WHAT?! National grilled cheese day?! How on earth did I miss this :) Love your outfit, too!!

  12. Aw yay, I know how much you love that necklace! So happy you kept it! as for the clothes, at least you got to try them on. Maybe some time in the future you will find other cute ones you'll love.

    I saw your necklace on another blog too...only I forgot whose blog it is, LOL! I think I'm a new follower on her blog otherwise I would have remembered. :P

  13. I'd say you had a pretty fantastic weekend by the looks of your pictures :).

  14. Clothing swap parties are so fun! I haven't done a proper one since college. My sisters and I pass our clothes back and forth every time we see each other so it's like a mini clothing swap. :)

  15. Love your outfits! And I absolutely love clothing swaps. I've gotten some of my favorite things that way! Looks like a fun weekend :)

  16. what a fun weekend! i love the spring dresses! still too cold here for those :)
