Tuesday, April 23, 2013

4 Sites I Check Daily

Back to link up again with Lauren and Tiffany. This has been one of my favorite link ups to participate in, so I'm excited to be back! 

{Check out my last Tuesday Topics post here}

The Austin Family Diary

So let's get to it!

4 sites I check daily:

K, let's be real here. I'm a professional blog stalker, so the sites that I check daily are all blogs. 

I figure if you're here reading this (you know, on my blog), you don't mind that I'm gonna use this opportunity to shamelessly promote my favorite bloggy pals, right? 

K awesome. 

One // Julie's blog, An Anchor for the Soul

I swear this girl and I share the same heart. Every post of hers has me nodding profusely at the computer screen. 

And I may or may not be meeting her IRL soon. Cue: major happy dance. 

Two // From the Nato's blog

I found Jami's blog when I bought my ticket for Hope Spoken, and signed up to hear her speak. AKA just signed up for the same people that Annie signed up for since she had the deets from attending the Influence Conference last year. 

So I immediately blog stalked Jami (as I said earlier, I'm a professional here), and man. This girl is good

Or should I say Jesus is good and doing some freakin amazing things in her life. 

IE: this.

Three // Kerrie's blog, The Williams Post

Reading this girl's posts and seeing her undeniable love for Christ seriously transformed my relationship with God, and my ability to talk about it

It's one thing to love Christ. 

It's another to be able to eloquently and confidently share that fact with others. 

Kerrie's blog helped inspire me to want to be a better witness of my faith. And I will always be thankful to her, because God absolutely used her to do a work in my heart. 

Four // I could list another blog, but I'll go ahead and list the sites that you know I'm checking on the reg. 

Like this one and this one

I'm sure you've never heard of them. 


I'm also gonna use this post to do a photo drop of weekend pics. Enjoy!

For those that saw on Instagram (@sweethomesb), yes, there really is a brewery next door:

Notice the board of brews on tap behind us. It's quite the neighborhood hang out on Friday nights. 

Saturday's are reserved for my Soccer Mom training. 

 And I managed to track down some Santa Barbara folks while I was visiting home.

We ended the weekend with a gorgeous hike, complete with a rattlesnake. 

And there you have it folks, my San Diego weekend. 


So tell me, what sites do you check daily?


  1. Amy you are the BEST encourager. Seriously. And I read Julie's and Jamie's on the reg too! The first time I found The Natos, I stayed up for hours reading basically her entire blog. What a story of redemption and trusting in JEsus!

  2. Thank you for sharing Jami's blog. I have wanted to follow her blog for awhile but kept forgetting to actually do it.

  3. OOOO I can't wait to check out these blogs! :) Thanks for sharing them!
    :) Rebecca

  4. I'm so happy you had a great weekend! I truly am, and that you are back home safely. I love your blog the most and Tiffany, and two other ones you don't know about. unless you stalk my blog. I dare ya! Just kidding, my friend. LOL!

  5. LOL, you actually did!! yay, anytime, my friend. You are so awesome! <3 So glad you got to know a bit about me. :)

  6. You are the best! I am so encouraged and inspired by your blog daily. Your blog is definitely one of my top reads everyday! LOVE Jami's blog too. She is so wonderful and Jesus has worked in that girls life soo well.

    Happy Tuesday love!

  7. all great, encouraging blogs! need to check out julie's blog.
    yours is a great site to come to each day also. one of my favs.
    have a great day girl!

  8. I'm glad that you listed other sites than just the norm. I now have to check out the other two blogs you listed but I've been following from the Nato's for a long. time. Happy Tuesday!

  9. I love that you listed other sites besides our regulars! You rock!

  10. OMG, don't get me started on blogs I visit daily! But awesome that you mentioned blogs that inspire you!

    Visiting from Tuesday Topics!


  11. I have never read two of those blogs. But will def check them out now, Jami is one of my favorites for sure. Looks like your weekend was really fun!

  12. I found your blog via Courtney at SplendidActually and have been following you for the past few months. You have such a sweet spirit and I really enjoy reading about your life and how God is working in it. It's definitely inspiring and encouraging me to spend more time with Him, too!

    And I just sooooo curious: Where oh where did you get that beautiful lilac peplum tank top in your pictures!?

  13. I have yet to discover An Anchor for the Soul so I will have to pop over there! And look at you rocking that bubble necklace! Looks great!

  14. These ladies all sound wonderful! I'll check out their blogs now. :)

    Also, looks like a wonderful weekend!

  15. First-Kerrie is SO encouraging!!
    Second-you are going to be a great soccer mom. :)
    Thirdly-rattlesnakes...we could live just fine without them.

    love you, friend!!

  16. @*NotablyNeurotic, I'm so glad you found my blog and are enjoying it! :)

    The peplum top is from Cotton On! Have you been there before? If not, google where the closest one is and go now!! :) I swear, almost my entire wardrobe is from there these days. And they have great, affordable prices!

  17. Thanks, Amy! I will check it out! I've never heard of the store, but I'm always looking for new places to shop!

  18. yeah.. that rattlesnake might be a little too close for comfort :P
