Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Well, We Didn't Dye!

This past weekend I finished my first fun run, a Run or Dye 5K!

The run itself was a blast! And I would definitely say we got our fair share of color. 

But why don't you judge for yourself:

It was great! A fun way to get out and get some exercise. And the paint didn't stain, win!

To be honest, I was going to write a few constructive criticism points for Run or Dye. They're coming to Santa Barbara later this year, and I thought there were definitely some things that they could improve on. 

But, shortly before writing this post, I got an e-mail from the company. 

Get this: they sent out an e-mail to every registered runner acknowledging and apologizing for the problems. They went on to assure us that they would make improvements to avoid the problems in the future, and offered each and every one of us 50% off of any event of our choice. For us, and a friend!

Say what???

I think it takes a lot of courage to admit your mistakes, and for the Run or Dye organization to show such humility speaks volumes about the people involved. 

As I said, the run itself was so. much. fun!

And with the event improvements and clearly professional leadership involved, I know this organization will put on many, many more successful events in the future!

I, for one, will absolutely be signing up for round 2 when they come through Santa Barbara. 

Check out their schedule to see if Run or Dye will be coming your way!


  1. ohh man that looks so much fun! i am going to check where the closest one to me!


  2. Awesome!! I did The Color Run here last summer and it was such a blast I'd love to do another one. And that is amazing that they covered themselves with everything that happened, it's good to know some organizations still hold their customers at the top of their priority list!

  3. The run looks like so much fun! We have one coming up but i didn't sign up and didn't train :( womp womp i'll do it again soon though!
    I agree with you, it says a lot about a company/organization when they can be humble and admit their shortcomings! That is awesome!

  4. I love that they admitted the problems and offered you discounts for a future race. That's great! Looks like you had fun! :)

  5. How fun! Running or should I say walk/jogging in one of these kinds of color runs is on my bucket list (I'm hoping to start a Couch to 5k challenge next month, too!) and seeing you do it makes me want to even more!

    And I definitely agree. It's so refreshing to hear companies apologize and take responsibility for their mistakes or shortcomings. So refreshing. :)

  6. What a fun race! I did "color run" and it was a disaster.. definitely didn't get any apology either! Lucky!

  7. Thanks so much for your nice write-up! We're so happy you had a great time. We appreciate you being a member of Dye Nation and look forward to seeing you in Santa Barbara! :)


    Katie Langston
    Content Marketing Director
    Run or Dye

  8. That does look fun!!!!! I'm glad you had a good time. :) I'm still thinking about running races, and here you are doing it....

  9. Haha! It looks like you had a blast!! Thank you for sharing before and after pics!!! That's awesome! Congrats to all you lovely ladies!


  10. Ooh so fun! I've seen these kinds of runs all over the place and would love to try one! I love seeing all your posts showing your commitment and love for running, it keeps me motivated ;)

  11. That's soooo awesome. I want to do one so bad!

  12. Found your post while Googling "Run or Dye". My blog co-author and I are running the Minneapolis race on May 4th, 2013. We can't wait! I definitely hope they've made those improvements you talked about!
