Saturday, March 16, 2013

Prayer Chain! // Week 3

Happy Sunday, lovelies!

I am so happy to be back for round 3 of The Prayer Chain, hosting with my wonderful friend, Melissa Jo

I'm gonna keep things short and sweet today, but I do have an incredible praise!

That's right! My aunt is officially cancer free. Thank you all so much for your prayers, and please pray that all check ups moving forward will keep showing the same good results!

As for prayer requests:

1) Please pray for healing for my roommate. You can read about her accident here. Recovery has been rough, and prayers would be much appreciated!

2) I will be running a 15K next Sunday, and please pray for God to keep my body strong through the race! This will be the longest that I have ever run, 9.3 miles. The last time I was running this much, I ended up with a stress fracture. Fortunately, I have not had any issues with my feet lately (yay!!). But I have been feeling it in my knees. 

Luckily, thanks to some wonderful Instagram advice (thank you!), my knees are feeling 100% better. Foam rolling has done wonders on my IT band, and I have had zero knee pain since!

Please pray that God would keep my body strong through the 15K, and as I continue to train for my Half Marathon in May. 

I cannot wait to hear all of your praise reports and prayer requests. 

Thank you so much for sharing your lives with us!

Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray.
Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing praises. 
Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them 
pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. 

James 5: 13-14

Sweet Home Santa Barbara


  1. Can you please pray for the Dominguez and Ruiz families for their conversion and cure for their illnesses?

    God bless and thanks. :D

  2. That is outstanding news on your aunt!! Praise God!

  3. Praising God SO much because of your Aunt! There are no words for how incredibly God works through prayer. Definitely will be praying for you too! You'll do great in your marathon, girl!

  4. praise him!! how wonderful that your Aunt is cancer free!!

    good luck on your run! prayers coming your way!

  5. Yay for your aunt being cancer free!! God is so good! I will pray for it to stay away!!! Good luck in your 15K!!

  6. What an awesome praise! Praying for you!

  7. Great news for your Aunt! Many continued blessings!
    So glad to have found your blog!
    God Bless!

  8. I'm so excited to hear about your aunt! I've been praying all week and wondering how things were going. Yay!

    I will be adding your roommate and your 15K to my list, as well.

    Have a blessed week!

  9. That's awesome!! Yay for your aunt. What an awesome God we serve. Prayer really is powerful. Will continue to pray for her and your roommate.

    Just found your blog from MJ's through the prayer chain. Can't wait to follow along and ready more of your story!

    Alisha and Brandon {the blog}

  10. SO glad to hear that your aunt is cancer free! Praying that she remains that way and praising God for His amazing healing!

    God luck on the 15K! Praying for both you and your roomie, too! :)

  11. I have been SO out of it this week being sick and dealing with AB and friends in town so I totally forgot to comment. I am so overjoyed to hear that Aunt Vicki is cancer free! Amen!!

  12. plz pray for trina, bedridden disabled senior w/many health issues, but lost her sec8 voucher from sb co.housing authority & landlord bob mcphillips will evict due to false accusations. (evil people w/vendettas?)Needs lawyer too. URGENT, she will be homeless very soon, plz help. There was an offer but it was withdrawn b4 i could respond, thanku. Need voucher restored WITHOUT raising rent & PROTECTION from eviction ASAP URGENT!! thanku...trina, cre8lite11@gmail
