Saturday, February 9, 2013

So What's a Flex Day?

If we're pals on Instagram (@sweethomesb), then you might have noticed that I got a little hashtag happy with #tgiflexday yesterday. 

What is a flex day, you ask? 

Well when I switched jobs, I got to switch to a pretty sweet schedule. I work 9 hour days, and get every other Friday off. For a girl who likes to do some major adventuring on weekends, those 3 day weekends are wonderful

So I'm gonna keep this hashtag biznass up to keep track of how I spend these glorious days!

And yesterday, my friends, was perfect

Oh, and caught up on Grey's Anatomy. 

All before 8AM! Getting woken up early aint too bad.

This work out was awesome, guys. 

Only about a half hour, and boy was I sweating!

(PS: Check out Tab's blog here. Love having besties in real life who blog, too!)

Ashlee being my future roomie (as of March 1st!). 

And guess what, she blogs too. 

Then went thrifting with my good friend Claire!

This one doesn't have a blog yet, but she wants to start one! Just got engaged to her British fiance currently living in England. And they met, get this, on a missions trip in Africa! Ya'll would totally read a blog about that love story, right? 

Little brother and Dad were in town for a few hours, so scurried over to meet them while I could!

Then went home to relax for a few hours. Did some reading and caught up on New Girl. 

And that's all I have to say about that. 

Oh except that I love this show and if you don't watch it you might want to start :)

Like I said, best day ever. 

Feeling pretty darn blessed right about now. 

Love you all! Go have yourselves a wonderful Saturday!


  1. Once upon a time when I had a 'real' job ( as opposed to a crappy student one) I had flex days too- I miss them a lot! Yours looks amazing, I can't believe how much you crammed into one day!

  2. Sounds like a great friday! I'm jealous.
    #1 that workout looks intense but fun i'll have to try that! Where did you find it?!
    #2 i would TOTALLY read their love story!
    #3nails, movies, food...umm YES!

  3. What an amazing flex day ames! Today is my flex day and I praise God for those types of days :) You have a Wonderful weekend as well!

  4. THANKS FOR REMINDING ME ABOUT YOUR DELICIOUS FOOD. #jealous #ijusthashtaggedanditsnoteventwitter #dontcare

    Love you!

  5. @Amy, Tabitha found the workout! She did a post on it, so you can read all the good deets here:

  6. Basically the most perfect day ever. :) Glad you were rockin' it!

  7. I was totally confused about what a flex day was when I saw on Instagram! That sounds amazing though– way more productive than any day I've had in a while :)

  8. Aww! What a fun day! And congratulations to your friend! I hope she starts a blog, I would love that story!

    Just letting you know, you were selected as a Blogger of the Month! Which picture would you like me to use? And are there any social media links you would like to include? :)

  9. That sounds like the most awesome day ever! My husband is on the same flex schedule. So jealous!!!!

  10. Claire should definitely start a blog! I'd read all about that! Meeting on a mission trip is such a great story! :)

    Also, I love New Girl! And thrift store shopping! You should show us pictures of your new finds! :)

  11. Sounds like you had a great weekend! I am glad you was able to enjoy it & catch up with friends & family. It looks like you have several exciting things coming up in the near future! I bet your so ready :)

  12. Flex days sound amazing--if only teaching was like that (lol). But it looks like a truly lovely day and congrats on those thrifting finds! I am yet to go thrifting but reading that tweet(?) gives me hope that I could actually find something!

    And that mission trip love story sounds like a great read and amazing God-written story!

    Oh, and you watch New Girl? Day made hearing that you watch, too!

  13. So jealous of your flex day--we should all get those! However, glad to see that you're definitely utilizing it and filling it to the max!

  14. I love productive days like that, especially when you get to start them with God's word and a workout! that sets off a great mood for the day.

  15. That day sounds absolutely perfect!! You did so much in one day! I feel like there is never enough time in the day to do all the things I want to do! By the way I'm your newest follower and loving your blog!

  16. Your work schedule sounds wonderful!! And it looks like you had a great day!

  17. It's almost been a year since we first moved in together!
