Tuesday, February 19, 2013


My heart is so heavy, I don't even know how to begin this post. 

That face. That beautiful face has captured the world. Her story has spread like wildfire from city to city. Country to country. Continent to continent. 

And it is not a story of a typical 8 year old girl. Nor is it a story of sickness or disease

Are those things a part of her story? Yes. But they are not the heart of her story. 

Daisy's story is one of faith. Of strength. And of courage

A story of shining for God's glory even on your toughest days.
No matter how tough. 

And that face, that beautiful face, is now up in Heaven staring into the eyes of our Savior. 

That gorgeous girl is now cancer and pain-free, resting in the arms of our Lord Jesus Christ, Himself. 

And while her time here may have come to an end, I am 100% confident that her impact here is only just beginning. A light that bright doesn't fade quickly. 

Because Daisy had the light of her Savior inside of her, and that light will continue to shine. 

Please pray. Pray for the Merrick family. For our church family. For all of those around the world mourning this tragic loss. 

Pray for God's comfort that surpasses understanding. 

And if you would, join us for an International Day of Prayer, the Day for Daisy Love.

Daisy and her family have taught me that prayer changes things

We might not understand why the outcomes are the way that they are, but thankfully we have a God that we can fully trust because of His goodness and faithfulness. 

Daisy and her family have taught me that we can rest in God's promise that He will be with us

And they have shown me that His presence is enough. 

But join with me as I pray that in this season of life, they are given more than just what's enough. Pray with me that they will be abundantly showered in His love. His comfort. His presence. 

And we can thank Him in advance for what He will do with this story of our sweet Daisy Love. 


  1. Thank you for writing this; I had not yet heard of this beautiful little girl. My prayers will be joined with the millions of other prayers.

  2. Praying, praying, praying! Thank you for sharing Daisy's story, too! She seriously sounds like an amazing little girl and God is still using her to shine His light and love right now. :)

  3. i have yet to hear of daisy's story, thank you for sharing and i shall pray!

  4. Oh, praying for this sweet little one. I believe in the power of prayer and thank you for sharing.

  5. Glad you shared her story here. Passing it on is a beautiful way to keep her memory alive. :)

  6. I was so bummed to hear this news... Al is my favorite shaper. I'm praying his family is staying strong. I couldn't imagine losing my daughter (or granddaughter in Al's case).

    Anyway, just stopping by to say hello. I'm a new follower from Mish's blog. I'm sponsoring this month too.

