Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Trust in the Lord with all your heart
Lean not on your own understanding.

Proverbs 3:5

This is the second time I've quoted that verse on the blog, and I'm sure it won't be the last. 

It's just so good. 

And yet, sometimes, it's so much easier said than done.

Why is that?

I know that His plan for my life is 100 times better than any plan I could even dream up for myself. 

I know that He is a good God. 

So much more good than I could even fathom. A type of good that can't be found on this earth.

So why is it so easy for me to stress about things in my life? 

When I have already decided that I would rather God dictate the path for my life, why do I so easily forget and try to take the reins back for myself?

It's like a part of me thinks that He is so big, that He will forget. 

He has so many important things in this world to take care of, right? How could He possibly concern himself with the minuscule factors of my life?

Like where I should live? Who I should marry? What dream job I should pursue?

He's only concerned about the big picture, right?


God is very much concerned with even things that go overlooked in my eyes. 

The strangers that I cross paths with, no accident

The stop light changing color to cause me to be a few minutes later than I had planned, no surprise to Him.

The fact that I put off buying new running shoes for weeks upon weeks, 100% used by Him to lead me to my future roommate and now amazing friend, Ashlee.

I want to stop worrying, and start trusting

Because you know what, if there is one person worth trusting in this world, Jesus is it

Have a blessed day, my friends!


  1. love this!!

    i struggle with focusing on His plan instead of MY plan...He is good,all the time! :)

  2. I'm such a control freak, let go & let God was my motto for 2012. And I've been shocked how he develops situations into possibilites that I can't even phathom. What an amazing God we serve.

  3. As Melissa Jo said, being a control freak gets in my way when it comes to this I constantly say I am putting it in God's hands... and then I go to hell and back trying to get my way. I can be so stubborn, but I suppose we all can! It's a work in progress girl and at least you have recognized this!

  4. Such a great reminder to focus on! Thanks for posting this!

  5. I just recently started following your blog, I love it! You have such a good heart and fun atmosphere.
