Monday, January 21, 2013

The Weekend that was Almost the Best Ever

Almost, I tell ya!

Friday night:

Quick run with Madeleine {training for that 10K!}

Had my first skype sesh with L from All Glorious Within. Adore her!!

Night out to our favorite karaoke bar!

Seeing as Gabe is moving to Boston in a mere week (let's not talk about it), Madeleine and I decided to go Gabe hunting. 

AKA drive to both of the bars he said he might be at, hoping to track that boy down. 

Turns out he went downtown.

So of course, being the incredible friends that we are, we followed him. 

Don't worry, he loved it. 


Went on a 6AM run with the lovely Tabitha.

Worked from 8-12, but by "work" I mean met with the board for our Young Employee Success program to plan all of our events for this year. 

My events? A New Hire Trivia Night and the Landshark, which is essentially a pretty epic boat/land tour of Santa Barbara.

Pretty excited to actually plan some events this year. Keep in mind that I just started in October, so let's cross our fingers that my events go well?

(Tabitha's head of all social activities, so gotta make her look awesome!)

As a treat for coming in on a Saturday, we got to go on a wine tasting tour afterwards up in Los Olivos. 

It. Was. Wonderful.

Found out I'm actually pretty good at bocce ball. 

Who knew? 

Madeleine oh-so-generously decided to be my plus one. 

I think we were the cutest couple there. 

At one of the wineries, Sarloos and Sons, there was a cupcake tasting paired with the wine.

By far, the best cupcakes I've ever had. 

After the wine tasting, went to Gabe's going away party where there was a pig roast. 

{I'm sure Jennifer's comment in my above facebook pic makes a looot more sense now, huh?}

And ended the night with some Pitch Perfect and candy. 

{Are you surprised to know that I felt ridiculously sick after all the sweets from the day?... It was worth it.}

If you haven't seen that movie, really do yourself a favor and watch it asap!


Got bagels at our favorite bagel place.

Face Timed for the first time:

Had a wonderful service at church.

Went to watch the Patriots game with some friends. 

And if the Patriots had won, it truly would have been a perfect weekend. 

But you know what, I'll settle for almost perfect. 

How was your weekend?

<<Linking up with Sami's Shenanigans today!>>


  1. Love this! Glad you had a pretty good weekend! ;) You look so beautiful in that pic for church!

  2. Looks like you had an absolutely fantastic weekend!!! :) :)

  3. Wine and Cupcakse!! Love it. Sounds like a good, busy weekend.

  4. I always love hearing about your super social weekends! You are such a fun person Amy and I love that about you! Those cupcakes look SOO good. I happened to get a little sick on sweets this weekend too... worth it ;)

  5. seems like a pretty awesome weekend to me!! so many fun things. i am jealous!
    Helene in Between

  6. that seems like a great busy weekend.. lots of fun

  7. Any weekend that involved karaoke is a great weekend as far as I'm concerned!!

    Add in wine tasting and oh my, you're a lucky girl! Love that it's technically your winter but you're dressed like it's mid-summer!

  8. OK I need to get to Los Olivos! I keep hearing about it but have never been.

    Thanks for linking up. Looks like you had a great weekend!

  9. This DOES look like a wonderful weekend! Congrats at being great at Bocce ball! Christopher is really good at it too! I'm just so-so, haha! Glad you had such a great time this weekend, friend! :)
