Friday, January 11, 2013

Liebster with a twist Round 3!

Alright, last Liebster post {promise!}.

I've been loving these questions, thanks to all of the girls who nominated me and asked some awesome and interesting things!

Last, but certainly not least, we have Katie:

{LOVE her outfit in that picture!}

Katie blogs over at time of your life. I found her blog a few months ago, and have been hooked since. 

When she posted her 2013 goals, I was pretty excited to see that we have quite a few of the same things on our lists. I can't wait to watch as we both accomplish them!

Here's what Katie had to ask:

1. Where is your favorite place in the world?

Alright, keep in mind that I am not very well versed in travel. I'm hoping to fix that this year!!

I'm gonna cheat and answer this in a few different ways:

Favorite vacation/relaxation spot: Hawaii

Place I would live if I wasn't in California: Boston. Hands down.

Favorite place ever: Southern California. It's just home, guys. 

2. What is your biggest fear?

Being covered in spiders, or really any other creepy bugs for that matter. 


3. What is your dream job?

Working in full time ministry. Specifically in high school ministry, or women's ministry.

4. How many countries have you been to?

Considering how I answered question #1, you can probably figure out that this list is quite short, ha!

Technically, I've been to Canada, Mexico and the US (duh).

But I was too young to really remember Mexico or Canada, so I don't really count those.

5. What is your typical bedtime, during the week?

Usually between 10 and 11. Sometimes between 9 and 10, not gonna lie. 

Old lady status.

6. Why did you start blogging?

I found out about blogging through my friend Alycia who blogs over at Crowley Party. I started checking out her blog and others daily when I started full time work, and figured blogging would be a great way to document my 20s (when I have no idea what the heck I am doing in the real world!).

So so so glad I did :)

7. Have you ever met up with any other bloggers? If so, how was it?

Not yet! But it's on my 2013 Bucket List!

8. Are you an electronic calendar or an old school hard planner type of person?

I was definitely an old school hard planner type of person, up until a few months ago. 

When I switched to the iPhone, I definitely started using that for all of my planning. 

Who knows though, I'm definitely a "write it down" type of person, so I see myself switching back at some point.

9. What is your dream wedding like?

Honestly, I was never the type of girl to think through all of these details. 

I think it used to be because I was afraid of jinxing it, ha!

Now, my dream wedding will be an outreach to others. I have plenty of non-Christian friends and family members, and while I don't plan to shove scripture down their throat, I hope that my wedding will give glory to God. 

10. What is your day job?

I am a financial analyst for a defense contractor/engineering corporation. 

I basically analyze numbers and make projections for how we will meet our metric goals for the year. 

It sounds exciting, I know. 

It's basically like my favorite econ homework assignments put into a full-time job. 

I pretty much love it.

Thank you SO much CaitlinHeather and Katie for your questions!

I loved them!

Now, to introduce another one of my favorite blogs.

Before I do, I want to say that I have so enjoyed giving shout outs to some of my favs :) You guys totally deserve it, and not only brighten my work days, but have become true friends in my book. 

If you missed any of the shout outs, be sure to check out Olivia and Melissa asap!

I wanted to say that I have been so fortunate to make so many amazing blog friends. I could only pick 3 for this Liebster with a Twist series, but I don't want the shout outs to stop there. 

I'm hoping to start giving random shout outs to my blogger besties, so do keep an eye out!

With that being said, today, I want to introduce you all to Julie:

She is just wonderful. And you can find her over at an anchor for the soul.

I love her heart for the Lord. Her posts inspire me, lift me up, and her fun attitude is just as contagious over the internet as I'm sure it is in person.

Her and her boyfriend are just the cutest.



Ha, kidding ;)

There we go, cue heart = melt. 

Go do yourself a favor and check her out, you won't regret it!

I hope you all have a wonderful, wonderful weekend. 

I'll be in Tahoe through Monday, hopefully getting some pics in the snow that are half as cute as Julie's!



  1. I'm jealous you've been to hawaii. And you job blows my mind. Finance is one thing that def goes over my head. I am really good with money, almost anally so, but finance stuff I don't even know how to begin to grasp!

  2. Thanks so much Amy! Have a great weekend!

  3. Love it, and congrats again! I'm all about multiple planners. Electronic, paper, all of it :P

  4. Amy!! Thank you so much for the shoutout! I feel so honored, blessed, and beyond words right now. Thank you sooo much, I love ya girl! You're awesome :)

  5. Oh enjoy the snow! I've loved your Leibster with a twist posts!

  6. That is my worst nightmare.. just reading it made my skin crawl.. ek!

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