Thursday, January 3, 2013

For all mah single ladies!!

I'm following a lot of blogs where there is a common theme of learning to patiently wait for God's timing.

Waiting for a baby, or in my case, waiting for a husband.

And I have a confession to make,

I suck at patiently waiting.

But bottom line, why would I write my own love story, when God's is going to be 100 times better?

Let all that I am wait quietly before God,
for my hope is in Him.

Psalms 62:5


  1. The story that God wrote for me is honestly so much better than I could have ever imagined. It began at a time when I was resistant to all of it, but oh how thankful I am that I choose to follow His leading. :) The right man will come, Amy. He really will. Love you!

  2. You are always such an inspiring blogger. I mean it! I know it's cliche, but I totally believe that God brings us to things when we least expect it.... Jared waltzed into my life when I though the last thing on EARTH I'd be doing would be starting a relationship.

    God's timing is always perfect, but I have trouble remembering that too.

  3. He PRAYS for me? Yeah, I need to wait for THAT guys. Oh wait, I guess that means I should go ahead and start praying for HIM too.

    Have a great day girly!

    PS. So glad I 'met' you in 2012.

  4. A beautiful and inspiring post. I sure He won't keep you waiting to long and it'll be worth the wait.. He is just making sure He gets the details right :)

  5. so true!!

    i am super impatient as well. i am still waiting on a full-time teaching job and a husband :)

    happy new year!

  6. waiting is so hard. My mom sometimes jokes that I should go to the boyfriend store. LOL too bad that God doesn't just have one of those in the mall for us lol! just kidding. But I completely agree that waiting can be hard, but also that we also need to put ourselves out there in situations where we can meet the person God wants us to. Sometimes that can be hard too!

  7. Great post girl. God really does have a plan, and trust me.. it's not one that you would make on your own. :)

  8. Great words of wisdom! Waiting can be such a hard thing, but I totally agree with you. I was single for the first 22 years of my life and now Derek and I have been together for 3 and a half years.

  9. So true! I have such a hard time not getting depressed with romantic movies! Our time will come!

  10. These are great! And even though waiting really SUCKS... I know that it will be worth it in the end. The husband thing DEFINITELY was - and it's true that God writes the best love stories! Mine was better than i ever could have imagined - and i have a great imagination! Ha!

  11. i love that verse! it is so hard to wait on His perfect timing, but i pray He renews the strength of our hearts to wait on His.

  12. Being patient is probably one of the hardest traits to have! I know before I met Matt I wasn't patient when I liked any guys and wanted them to like me back. But the wait was SO worth it for a guy that is 100x better than any of those guys. Don't worry, God has great things in store for you! Keep thriving on His love until the man He has planned for you comes along :)

  13. This is why I love not only following your blog, but being able to call you a friend! I can't stress enough how awesome and inspiring you are. Keep it up girl! Loving it!!

  14. Just discovered your blog and I am sooo glad that I have found another single blogger out there who also loves Jesus!

    Being single + waiting for that special someone is hard and I definitely feel your impatience. But what you wrote is so true. God's plans are always better than ours. Thanks for the reminder!

    And I have to say, I love that last photo. :)

  15. I suck at patiently waiting too!!!! Let's just fast forward, eh? I keep telling myself that it will be worth the wait!!!

    I nominated you for a Liebster award! Check it out at!

  16. Amen sista!! It is sooo freaking hard to wait for God's timing sometimes.

    Hope you are doing well :) Sorry, I haven't been keeping up as much lately. Life is a little crazy.

  17. First I would suggest you read "When God Writes Your Love Story". Second I can tell you from my personal experience that God's timing is so much better than ours. I am 27 and just recently got engaged. I had fully given up on "The One" ever finding me. Little did I know that Gods plans were far more than I ever dreamed. I have the man of my dreams and he treats me exactly how a man of God should. I completely understand it is so hard but keep holding out and serving HIM. "The One" will show up out of no where!!
