Tuesday, January 29, 2013

A Prayer Request + A Testimony

I've mentioned before that I was saved on a high school church retreat. A summer trip to Catalina, to be exact. 

I was invited by a good friend of mine, Elysia. Elysia and I had been friends since 2nd grade. Growing up, we lived a street away from each other. I spent a significant amount of time at her house, just as she did with mine. We both grew to be very close with each other's families. 

I always knew Elysia's mom, Dawn, to be a strong Christian. I can remember her playing worship music when we would drive in the car. Elysia would say that she could only listen to "normal" music when she was with her Dad, because worship was all that Dawn listened to. 

Any opportunity to bring me along to a church function, Dawn would do it.

I had heard about the Lord many times at this point, and if asked, I would have said yes, I believe in God. 

But Dawn was the first person that I met who was truly on fire for Christ. 

And after everything that this incredible woman has gone through, she is still on fire for Christ.

Dawn and her grandson
Today, Dawn faces a battle with cancer. 

I have asked her if I can share this with all of you. Not only to recruit prayer, but also to provide encouragement. 

So as I'm struggling to find words at this point, I want to instead, share Dawn's with you:

"It's so amazing when you know that God worked through you. 
That's what it's all about -- Jesus working through us,
that's when His presence is the strongest. 
We walk with Jesus and know Him now, 
but when we see Him it is going to be so much more intensely amazing.
At the moments when His anointing is so strong, 
it's only a fraction of what it will be like when we are with Jesus
and we see Him face to face...

I have breast cancer that has spread to my cervix,
it's amazing that this cancer has actually been a blessing in so many ways.
I have never felt the presence, peace and joy of the Lord so strongly.
It's really trusting Him completely. Whatever His plan is, it's okay.
I don't mind going to be with the Lord,
it will be like my own personal rapture --
I just don't want to suffer. 
I think the cancer was instrumental in turning other's lives around
and building commitment and trust in the Lord. 
I wouldn't change anything that has happened. 
God knows what He is doing, His plans are not ours.
I can't imagine life without having Him in it, 
Life is hard.
But when you go through trials, if you lean on Him, 
the trials turn into miracles, answered prayers and blessings."

Please pray for Dawn. 

Pray that God heals her completely of her cancer. That He would provide her with abundant amounts of His peace, comfort and even joy during this difficult time.

And I pray that Dawn's story encourage you that we have a good God

One that can be trusted in all circumstances of life, for not even a sparrow, worth only half a penny, can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it. And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don't be afraid; you are more valuable to Him than a whole flock of sparrows. (Matthew 10: 29-31)


  1. This is such an amazing story - to find her comfort and even joy in this time. May she be truly blessed. THIS is what they are talking about in Confident Heart, letting your story be known and be used through you regardless of what it is.

  2. This is very sweet of you! I am sure she appreciates your support very much.

  3. Wow, what an inspiring woman and story. This is the kind of outlook on life that God wants us to have everyday. Thank you for sharing this with us. I am definitely praying for Dawn and her family! From this post alone, I can tell that she is strong!

    And yes, God is GOOD. Always.

  4. You are so sweet Amy. And Dawn seems so strong.

  5. I had chills reading this story! I will definitely be sending prayers her way <3

  6. Praying for Dawn and her family.

  7. What an amazing testimony to the faithfulness and grace of God. She is such a strong lady and her faith shines through her words. Thanks for sharing this, friend.

  8. Wow! SOOO powerful!!!! Prayers for Dawn and all of her family! What a strong woman and amazing role model for all!
