Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2013 Bucket List

Happy New Year!

This year, I thought instead of putting together resolutions, I would put together a bucket list.

Of course I have my usual goals, like eat healthier and exercise more. But I thought it would be great to put together a list of items that combine both realistic and stretch goals so that I can track my progress through out the year.

I'm sure I may be adding to this through out the year, but for now, I give you my

2013 Bucket List:

1. Run at least 3 races (any distance 5K or more)

-10K Coronado Valentine's Day Race: Feb 17th / registered!

2. Read 30 books

3. Get passport

4. Travel outside of the country (preferably missions related)

5. Cross off at least 2 states

6. Meet a blogger friend IRL

7. One spontaneous trip

8. One random act of kindness per month

9. End the year with zero balance on credit card

10. Double my savings

11. Cut and donate my hair

12. Take Milissa on a sister weekend getaway

13. Get a blog makeover!

I'll be posting monthly updates to track my progress on all of these items, and can't wait to start crossing off some of these bad boys.

Do you have any bucket list items for this year?


  1. exciting and sensible bucket list! love it!

    i make goals/hopes for each year too :) better than resolutions :)

  2. Great list! I'm sure you'll accomplish them all! Excited to see your progress throughout the year :)

  3. Love this! Cant wait to see you complete them all!!

  4. Fantastic list, we have some similar points!
    reading books, getting a passport, traveling,

  5. Love your list and can't wait to start planning number 6!

  6. Oh oh! You should meet MEEEEE IRL! Plus that will help cross off one of your 2 States! :)

  7. My sister and I did a weekend getaway last year and it was grand. I highly reccommend it. We are already planning on going again this year.
