Monday, December 17, 2012

Weekend Rundown

According to Instagram:

Got me some new running shoes. And signed up for a 10K. 

More on this coming in a separate post!

Went home to San Diego. 

Yes, that is the lovely wall paper collage from my freshman year of high school on my bedroom walls. I should be an interior designer, I know.

Played some Pretty Pretty Princess. 

And lost three times in a row. 

Sad face. 

Got in some good time with the family and friends. 

Went to my first NFL game! 

And left after half time because the Chargers suck, but that's okay.

Got to see my sister perform at halftime with the Jr. Charger Girls! Too cute! slash I'm jealous she got to be that close to real life NFL players

And that's about it!

I realize this is extremely boring if you follow me on Instagram (@sweethomesb), but hey, that's what happens when I get home at 11PM on a Sunday night. 

How was your weekend?


  1. Love your new running shoes--and that's awesome about the 10k! I think it's like a perfect distance. Look forward to hearing all about it!

  2. oh my goodness pretty pretty princess my cousin and I use to play that everytime we were together growing up!

  3. So cute that your sis is a junior charger girl! Also, I so did not know that there was a game called "pretty pretty princess"... I officially must have it, ha!

  4. Can't wait to hear more about the 10k! You are my hero. I am hoping to finally participate in a 5k in April. Still trying to get back in the swing of things! Here's to a better rest of the week. xo
