Friday, December 21, 2012

Girl Behind the Blog - Vlog!

Holiday edition!!

Linking up with 5ohWifey and Kerrie for today's Girl Behind the Blog!

I'll go ahead and let the vlog do the talking, so without further adieu:

A few of my favorite things about this video:

1. The YouTube selected freeze frame. 

Such a beaut. 

2. The fact that I chose to record this video on my best hair day of all time. 

Keepin' it real, folks.

3. The point where I can't think of what the green plant above my sliding back door is called. 

And the fact that I still can't. 

Any ideas?

4. The lovely awkward ending where I don't know how to end the vlog so I end it like any other conversation. 

Except instead of saying "Have a great day" I say "Have a great night"

As if you're going to be spending your Friday night watching my vlog. 

Of course you are. 

Happy Friday!!



  1. You are so not awkward whatsoever. Is it called holly? Or garland? Or something like that. I could be way wrong. I think it's amazing one of your family traditions is going to the beach on Christmas!

  2. I love that you guys go to the beach! We usually save that for New Years! And Im pretty sure that green stuff is garland! Love it all dear:)

  3. LOVE that you did a video =) =)
    SO fun!! Your tree looks beautiful and I'm SO jealous that you get to go to the beach on Christmas! =P
    Much Love!

  4. yeah I was going to say Garland as well ;) I am so glad you linked up :) I just love feeling like we're having a convo in real life! Merry Christmas! Love ya!!

  5. I loved this vlog. It's so fun having such a younger sibling, isn't it?!

  6. Ah I love this! I love when bloggers vlog, it's like you can't really know someone until you've heard their voice! Plus, I always freak out because I read everyone Aussie ( or British) and then you talk with an American accent and it's so weird, but cool!

    So jealous you've got a sibling who believes in Santa, we didn't have any younger cousins or anything so our Christmas' have been a bit less magical for like 12 years now :(

  7. You are too cute! And your hair doesn't look bad at all, I promise! I've been wanting to link up and vlog for a while now but I just haven't found the time. I love your take on Christmas traditions– you place looks super cute! And I'm pretty jealous you get to go to the beach for Christmas... that is not even close to a possibility here in Ohio!

  8. You are so cute!! I was going to say garland too! Glad you linked up and merry christmas!!

  9. You did you so good! I did one vlog and a friend said I was really 'flirty!' Pffffft.

    Your totally right thought, have a little one around for the holidays makes it absolutely so much more fun watching them and their general pure unintoxicated excitement.

    It's so pure and honest, love it!

  10. Oh my goodness, I love that going to the beach is part of your Christmas tradition. That's the best!

    I love having Christmas with my nieces and nephews because (like your sister) they still believe in Santa and everything is so magical for them. So precious! :)

    Also, you are adorable. The end. :D

  11. I have cousins that we are close to on my mom's side who are Jewish, so we ALSO did Christmas and Hanukkah. Hanumas? Christukkah? Anyway, it was great and I grew up eating latkes!!!!

    I also linked up, over at

    PS, how awesome that you have younger siblings. Your parents are probably worn out, but how fun for you!!! :)
