Saturday, December 29, 2012

2012 - A Year in Review


You were a truly amazing year. I am amazed when I think back to where I stood a year ago from today, how much I have changed. 

How much God has changed me. 

And I am so thankful and blown away by the work that He has done and is doing in my life. 

I can't wait to see what He does with 2013. I know it's going to be amazing. 

But for now, 2012 - A Year in Review:

<< January: Kicked off the year with some Fit Club goals and resolutions (most of which were kept!) and went to San Francisco! Also wrote my first honest post about the break up that lead into the new year >>

<< February: Spent plenty of time enjoying beautiful Santa Barbara. Celebrated Valentine's Day with my amazing roommates >>

<< March: Had a reunion with the college roomies, and some more visitors for a birthday! Had the best time celebrating St. Patrick's Day! >>

<< April: Celebrated Easter twice! Once with the roommates and once with the fam. Hosted a Murder Mystery party for one of our own's birthday, and had an amazing time at Stagecoach (to be repeated this year!) >>

<< May: Had the most incredible trip of my life to Boston, and ended the month with a trip to Vegas with the girls >>

<< June: Visited Sacramento to see some of my favorites and to meet a new babe! Watched my not-so-baby bro graduate high school, and turned 23! (See my 22 recap here) >>

<< July: Had a blast celebrating the 4th of July and road tripped up to surprise one of my very best friends in San Francisco! Kicked off the Olympics in style (and yes I did repeat my 4th of July outfit, how could I not?) >>

<< August: Wrote one of my personal favorite posts on faith. Went to a Toby Keith concert (who I'll be seeing again at 2013 Stagecoach, woo!!) and had a blast at two baseball games! >>

<< September: Had a blast on Labor Day with a best friend in town! Watched my brother kick butt (game winning goal in overtime, nbd) in his college soccer game! And ventured across the country back to Boston with a stress fractured foot. >>

<< October: Officially changed jobs. Had a blast at another round of Beerfest. Said goodbye to a good friend who moved all the way to Wyoming! And celebrated Halloween in true Santa Barbara style (6th SB Halloween! See Memory Lane here) >>

<< November: Finally signed up for Pinterest. Got to bring out the kid in me for an epic game of Capture the Flag. Celebrated Thanksgiving with the fam, and got to reunite with some friends while back home in San Diego >>

<< December: Went back up to Sacramento to celebrate a special little one's first birthday! Went to my first NFL Football game and got to see my little Jr. Charger Girl cheer at half time. Got into Christmas spirit by visiting the Living Nativity. Got the best gift of all which was time off to spend at home with the fam! >>

Whew. And that ends the recap. 

It truly was a wonderful year, and I feel oh-so blessed. 

Hope you are enjoying your Saturday!!


  1. what a fun and busy year!!

    happy new year!

  2. Girl! I am so insanely jealous of your fun life! I only have a couple of good friends now that I spend time with and I so badly wish I had more! You do such fun things!!!

  3. It looks like you had a wonderful year. I love all the pictures. Wishing you a wonderful 2013!

  4. I love your recap! I wish I had the motivation to make such a detailed recap of my year. Laziness at it's finest! But I'm so happy that you had such a great and blessed year growing in God! I'm so glad we met this past year, Amy! Love ya girl :)

  5. How long did this take you? This is the best recap post I've seen yet! You really did have a great year! I am so happy to have "met" you :) Wishing you a very happy new year!!!

  6. already said, but I'm so glad we met this year! Love ya girl! It's been great to watch God mold you thought your honest posts :)

  7. Such an amazing year! So glad I have gotten to know you better this past year, friend! :)
