Monday, November 12, 2012

Weekend Rundown

According to Instagram:

One: Celebrated the lovely roommate's birthday with some delicious sushi at one of our favorite sushi restaurants. Definitely a go-to birthday celebration spot for us.

Two: Woke up bright and early (waking up at 5AM should not be allowed on weekends) to volunteer at the SB marathon! If I couldn't run the half, I definitely still wanted to participate somehow.

Was not upset that I got to spend the morning with the wonderful Tabitha and this adorable thing:

Why, yes, that is a puppy dressed as a dragon. He's up for adoption, too. My roommates have no idea how lucky they are that our household didn't grow by four more legs.

Three: Went on a mini road trip on Saturday night to go line dancing at a hot spot down in Thousand Oaks. I'd heard about it tons, but had never actually been. So glad I went! Now I've got two more dances to add to my small collection. It's growing!

Four: Sunday was just gorgeous here in Santa Barbara. Our church is right by the beach (awful, I know) and the view always leaves me feeling so thankful to be living in this beautiful place.

This morning was not quite so gorgeous. But hey, I'll take the borderline freezing temperatures as an opportunity to layer up!

Dress: Cotton On, Boots/Socks/Tights: Marshalls, Scarf: American Apparel, Jacket: Santa Clause

How was your weekend?

(Instagram: @sweethomesb)


  1. Oh line dancing sound like fun! The view fro. Your church is just amazing

  2. The beach looks wonderful, I sometimes miss living in California.

  3. Glad you had such a great weekend surrounded with friends! I totally think you should've adopted the pup, but then I'm biased towards dogs, hehe! Also, I LOVE the view from your church... amazing!
