Thursday, November 1, 2012

Happy November!

Why hello there!

Did you have a good Halloween? I hope so!

Sad news, the firefighter costume didn't get worn last night...

At least not by me! I'd say that counts, 6 years baby. Now that's what I call a good investment!

Today, I'm kicking off NaBloPoMo (aka National Blog Posting Month). I seriously slacked in October, so I'm ready to give this a shot to rev up my blogging engines again. I've got pleeenty of posts that I've been meaning to do, so it should be good to finally sit down and write these babies.

Last night, we were hosting our 2nd annual Halloween Party, so a re-cap of that is coming soon I'm sure. For today, all I want to leave you with is a verse that's spoke to me recently. It's written on my cubicle, to help me stay grounded in how I want to live my life.

Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children.
And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself for us,
a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.

~Ephesians 5: 1-2~

I hope you have a wonderful first day of November. Go love on someone today.



  1. Oh how cool about NaBloPoMo! I'm going to be doing Nanowrimo this month, so hopefully I can keep up with that AND my blog! Lots of writing to be done!!! ;)

    Great verse for today!

  2. Hooray for the firefighter costume not being retired! I'd say you've definitely gotten your money's worth. Love that verse. Definitely needs to go up somewhere in my office!

  3. That's a great verse to keep in mind.

  4. Aww, you are so cute! And I'm glad someone wore the firefighter costume! It's tradition now! ;)

  5. cute firefighter costume, someone had to wear it this year for sure!! i love that verse too what a great reminder
