Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Oh hey there!

So I've been MIA ever since I started my new job, but I'm back and ready to get my bloggin' groove back. 

First off, thank you all so much for the sweet prayers for my brother. The update is that he's doing well, and while they weren't able to determine exactly what caused the seizure, they were able to rule out the scary stuff. 

I can happily say that he's now back at school and getting back in the normal routine, so praise God for that!

As for me, you might remember that I got a new job. I started last Monday, and I can honestly say that I love it. Basically, as excited as I was for the job, I love it 10X more than I thought I would. It really is the perfect job for me, and I am so thankful that God opened up the door when I wasn't even looking for it. 

Not to mention, my first day almost every one I met was a fellow believer. It was basically God's way of saying Hey, I totally put you here for a reason.

Isn't He just the best? 

There's also been quite a lot of fun going on in the past few weeks. Between a Halloween style going away party, and last weekend's Beerfest, there hasn't been any shortage in the fun department. 

So without further adieu, a photo update:

Crazy how much has changed since last beerfest, but definitely the good kind of change. 

So what's new with you, loves? I missed you guys! Glad to be back :)


  1. So happy to hear you are loving your new job! God is just awesome about giving us what we need when we need it!

  2. Welcome back friend! I'm so glad that the new job is such a blessing! That's wonderful, sweet girl!

  3. SO awesome to hear that the job is EVEN BETTER than you expected. That's gotta be a great feeling!!! :)

  4. Amy I am so glad your job has worked out well for you! And that there's fellow believers around you! God is so awesome in the way He works! Glad to have you back in the blogosphere as well :)

  5. So glad your new job is awesome! definitely divine intervention!

  6. Sounds like good news all around! So happy everything is working out for you. And welcome back to blogland. :) Have a great week!

  7. I have been so MIA lately too, but isnt just amazing how God can open doors you didnt even know were there?! I am so glad you are so happy at your new job! His word tells you that he can do exceedingly, abundantly above all that you can ask or think... Having believers there is definitely abundantly above! So happy for you!
