Friday, October 12, 2012

Friday Update

So I've been completely failing at blogging lately. And hopefully next week I'll be better! Because there's a lot going on right now. Like:

I joined a new community group. 

Community groups are organized by the church to encourage fellowship and forming closer bonds within a smaller group. I was in a group last spring, and loved it.

Ironically, I met the couple that helped get me my new job at said community group. So not only did I meet a dozen or so amazing new friends, but I got a new job out of it. 

God's kind of cool like that, huh?

The couple that hosts my new group has a fire pit in the back yard, so you can bet that we use that baby to make some bomb smores. 

Even got a little creative and used it to melt chocolate inside of strawberries. 

Disclaimer: I didn't actually try the strawberries, but heard they were a bit smokey. Not necessarily something I recommend, ha!

And today is my last day at work!

It's pretty bitter-sweet, actually. As excited as I am for my new job and to see what God does with it, I'm definitely sad to not be seeing these amazing people that I've met every day anymore. 

Some people organized a happy hour for my last week, and it was great to all hang out, grab a few drinks, watch some sports and play some pool (Another disclaimer: I suck at pool)

Oh, and it was this girl's birthday yesterday:

She's kiiind of one of my favorite people in the entire world. So you can expect a post full of lovey-dovey birthday wishes to come. 

Aaand that's a wrap folks. What's going on in your life?


  1. Cute! This makes me want to make samores! Happy weekend!

  2. So glad you are involved with a community group, friend! The smores look like fun! We love our small group with our friends here. It's so great. :)
