Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Deets on the Job

Hi guys!

I believe I have me some news to elaborate on, right? Here we go: 

I have a new job!

And I could not be more excited. God must have a thing for lining up jobs for me, because this isn't the first time that he meticulously set something up. 

The honest-to-God truth is that I did not go looking for this job. I did not feel ready to leave my current company, and even when the idea was first brought up to me, I was so against it.

It all started when I was out to lunch with this gal and her hubby after church one Sunday. They were mentioning their 9/80 schedule (work 9 hours a day and get every other Friday off) and the fact that they get every day between Christmas and New Years off as paid Holiday. 

Sounds awful, I know.

I casually joked that I gotta get me in there with the company having a schedule like that, and low and behold they took me seriously. After mentioning my degree in math/economics, Joe was convinced that I'd be a great fit for a finance position. 

Two problems with that, or so I thought. 1) Not ready to leave my job. 2) I'm a people person. 

Thankfully, Tabitha and Joe urged my hesitant self to update my resume and send it in. 

As I did, I prayed. I told God that if He wanted me to switch jobs, I would. Even if I didn't feel ready to leave. Even if I didn't want to. If it was in His plan, I would do it. 

So the resume was sent in, and the interview was scheduled. And as time passed, my thoughts changed. 

Yes, I'm a people person. But I spent 4 years earning a degree in math and economics, why would I not try a job that would actually let me use it? 

I started realizing how much a career in finance scares the crap out of me. How it's going to be a lot more stressful than my current job, and how it's gonna challenge the heck out of me. 

And you know what? 

I started getting excited!

I realized that I'm ready for this. I went from thinking there was no chance in heck that I would accept a job offer, to actually wanting one.

And so I made God a deal. I told Him that if I got a job offer, I would take that as His sign that it was time to move on. 

I told Him that if I got an offer, I would accept it. 

And guess what? 

That's exactly what I did.

You know what I love about the whole thing? God knew this was going to happen. And when I said that initial prayer, that I would follow Him even if I didn't want to? Well, He could have let me do just that. He could have said "Amy, I know you don't want to do this, but it's best for you."

And I would have. 

But instead, He changed my heart. He helped me go from completely against the idea, to actually hoping for it. 

And that, my friends, is a very good God. 


  1. God is SO GOOD :) I'm really happy for you! What an exciting, challenging but awesome opportunity!!

  2. Amy I couldn't be more excited for you! When do you start?
    I love your story about how you got the job, I believe it was there waiting for you all along!
    Enjoy, you'll be amazing at it :)

  3. I am SO PROUD of you for taking a step out on faith! That is what it is all about, trusting God and HIS timing, not our own!
    EEEKK! So exciting!

  4. This is so great! Congratulations!! I love reading things like this! :) It's so great to see someone not hesitant to trust God..I know I can be sometimes if it's not something *I* want.. working on that.

  5. This is SO awesome! So excited for you love!!

  6. How exciting! I think I must've gotten your previous FB updates about Boston mixed up with your hints about the new job, because in my mind I melded the two and thought you were going to Boston for a new job! Glad to hear you get to stay in Santa Barbara :-)

  7. Thanks everyone!! I am so excited :) And yes, Helly, I'm very thankful that I get to stay in Santa Barbara!!

  8. love the way this happened for you! love that God changed your view and now you are going to have a great adventure!

  9. Awesome! So happy for you Amy! God's plan is always the right one ;) He definitely won't let you down with this new job!

  10. wow! Congrats :) So glad things are going your way!

  11. SO exciting! I can't wait to hear more about the job once it begins! :)

  12. So happy for you, friend! Hope you love your new job so much!

  13. wow glad to hear everything worked out so well for you!!

  14. Whoa! CONGRATS :) You have to remember... you went to school for a reason, and the major you chose even more! I wish you the best of luck and you will be in my prayers :) God would not put you in a situation, especially a job where you are at most of your day, if it was not for your best!!

  15. That is amazing! Love it when you share your life with us because it helps me to see how God works in your life and teach me to have faith in Him. Ad you have such a positive attitude that it's contagious! i'm going to try that. for example, I learned Friday that I didn't pass my examination for disability for financial help. But I'm guessing that maybe God has else in store for me. One thing I'm thankful for is that I did qualify for Medical last year and now I am receiving free medical and medication for my condition, all thanks to God. i just can't wait to find out why God didn't let me pass for financial help. :D

    What do you think?
