Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Right now, I feel blessed.

Yesterday was an off day. 

Not a bad day, just an off one. One where I woke up not feeling quite like myself. Felt a bit low.

One where I cried a bit on my way to work. 

To be honest, this weekend kind of threw me for an emotional loop. I don't think I'm going to go into details on the blog, and I haven't even gone into details with most friends. Because really, it's not important

I'm the same happy, peppy person that I was before the weekend started, and I'll be back to that happy, peppy self in no time. 

Not to mention given the emotional loop, it was still a damn good weekend. 

But you know the good thing about an off day? They leave me feeling blessed. 

Blessed that I have friends that I can call at 10:15PM to say Hey, I'm coming over to watch an episode of How I Met Your Mother

When what I really mean is Hey, I'm coming over to explain to you why today sucked

And I didn't even realize that until I got over, and with a drink in hand, the conversation started. 

And when 5 minutes in I said I'm sorry, I really did come over to watch How I Met Your Mother. 

The response? No you didn't. And that's okay, that's what friends are for

Feeling pretty darn blessed right about now. 

And with that, a photo dump of the Labor Day beach bbq:

Even after an off day, I can say with complete confidence that life is good. And I wouldn't change a thing.


  1. I am so sorry you had an off day! With your awesome attitude though it will totes get better! Funny story: same thing happened to me yesterday! I swear we could be twins!

  2. Oh honey, I am so sorry. If you need to talk, you know I'm here for ya. I hope this week is AMAZING compared to the weekend to help make up for it. It does look like you had some fun with friends, though, so that's great!

  3. Off days suck! But I can see that you're blessed and loved by many. So excited to find your blog...fellow Cali girl. New follower. Hope you follow back. ;)

  4. 'Off' days are no fun, but I am sooo glad you found the silver lining. You have SO much to be blessed about in your life! Talk it out with your good friends and move on :) God loves you and that's just about all that matters.

  5. Off days blow, but similar to what you said, can't have a rainbow without a storm. (Super dramatic, but you get my point) Hope you have a better rest of the week! At least it's a short one! :)

    Aaaaaaaand I nominated you for The Versatile Blogger Award. Check it out! :)

  6. praying for you, and glad you have an amazing attitude!
    glad we g-chatted yesterday! And always know I'm here to talk, whether just to chat or have a big conversation!

    Hope today is awesome!
