Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Weekend Rundown

This weekend was a packed one. 

What do you get when you combine a Toby Keith concert and an Angels game in one weekend? 

A lot of driving. 

And a lot of great times with great friends. 

There were a lot of firsts for me this weekend. 

You can probably guess a few of them:

-First time seeing Toby Keith in concert. 

-First time going to Angels stadium. 

But how about this one:

-First time sleeping in my car. 

Yupp, on the way back from the Toby Keith concert, I legitimately had to pull over in the middle of LA (not sketch at all) to sleep in my car. 

Kristen and I were that tired. 

And even though for both of these events, I spent more time in the car driving to and from the events than I did at the actual concert/baseball game, it was still totally worth it. 

My early 20s are all about forming memories like these. And I fully plan to keep forming them.
Traffic and all. 

Oh, and I'll be back at Angels stadium in 2 weeks. Except this time, it'll be to see my team play. 

How bout them Red Sox?

Happy Humpday, loves!

{And hello to my lovely new followers! If you haven't already, enter the Missionary Kerrie's giveaway here!}


  1. Oh the Red Soxs are my team too! My whole family is from Boston. Looks like a great time making memories!

  2. Great photos, I love the shadow one!
    Looks like you ad a fun weekend....I too have slept in the car!

  3. Haha I sleep in my car all the time.. I forget it's not exactly normal. Also, that pinkish top you are wearing in that first picture is SO cute!

  4. Thanks, Kate!! And I'm glad I'm not the only one who sleeps in their car :)

  5. I haven't been to a braves game this summer, but seeing your pictures makes me want to! baseball games are so fun. but I gotta know how as a born and raised californian ended up a red sox fan? oh and love your friends uga shirt!

  6. Love your photos! :) I still haven't slept in my's too small to get really comfortable, haha. But I'm sure if I ever get tired enough, it will definitely happen sooner or later.

  7. Love the pictures! Sounds like a great weekend maybe not the part about sleeping in your car though. :)

  8. I just heart your blog! I'm hosting 2 giveaways that I thought you would be interested in (Brushlove & Blue Sky) :)

    P.S. I'm a new GFC follower!
