Monday, August 27, 2012

It's Monday

And I am exhauuuusted from this past weekend. 

Exhausted in the best possible way. Exhausted from:

-An absolutely amazing worship experience on Friday night. Definitely one of the best worship experiences that I have ever had. 

-A kick butt ass (cussing is necessary) 7 mile run on Saturday morning. Half marathon, I'm coming for ya!

-A post-run, delicious breakfast with my training partner. Perfect start to the day.

-An afternoon spent growing closer to an incredible new friend. One of those friendships that just clicks from the start, and I could not be more thankful to have met her. We have an insane amount of things in common, and spent the afternoon eating a delicious lunch, watching a Women of Faith video and diving straight into one of those convos that leaves you feeling a lot better about life. 

-A girl's night out with the same incredible new friend. The first of many I'm sure. 

-The perfect amount of cuddle time while serving in the nursery at church. 

-An amazing acai bowl for lunch with some of my favorite church folks. 

-Sunday adventure downtown with another incredible new friend. The ladies locker room at the gym has officially served it's purpose as match maker in the friendship department. 

-A deeeelicious Mexican feast with some of my other favorite church folks. 

So basically the weekend consisted of amazing food, amazing friends and amazing time with the Lord. I don't think I could possibly ask for a better weekend. 

And because I took pretty much no pictures during this epic weekend, now's a good time for an Instagram dump. Agreed? 

I hope your weekend was equally fantastic. 

Have yourselves a lovely Monday!


  1. Every time I check your blog I know I'm going to leave hungry ;) How do you always have all this amazing food? Glad you had a kick butt weekend!

  2. I'm so glad that you had am amazing weekend. You look so pretty in your pics!

  3. Good job on the 7-miler!! WOOT!!! :)

    And you can't really go wrong with Mexican food, I had it over the weekend too! :)

  4. Sounds like SUCH a great weekend, girl! I'm so glad it was such a blessing! :)

  5. I love new friends and amazing girls nights!!! Sounds like a great weekend. Great instagram dump haha.

  6. 7 miles is amazing. very proud. and Psalm 119 is so good.

  7. I need Mexican food now!! Sounds like a great weekend!
