Monday, July 2, 2012

Photo A Day June - Recap

Thank you for all of the birthday wishes :) And a HUGE thanks to any friends that might be reading this who helped make my birthday weekend a great one. 

Believe it or not, I took zero pictures. Zero. 

Very unlike me, but here's a recap of Photo A Day June to make up for it. I guess 22's my lucky number (it actually really is, ironically), because that's how many pics I managed to take this month again. 

1. Morning: Friday morning spin class (haven't been there in a while, ha)

2. Empty

3. On My Plate

4. Close-Up

5. Sign

6. Hat

7. Drink

8. Six O'Clock

9. Your View Today: My View On Life

10. Best Bit Of Your Weekend: Reuniting with good friends

11. Door

13. Art

14. Time: Lunch time

15. Yellow: My yellow lab

16. Out and About

17. In Your Bag

18. Something We Don't Know About You: I keep all of my movie ticket stubs

20. Favorite Photo You've Ever Taken

22. From A High Angle

23. Movement

24. On Your Mind: Feeling blessed to be ending the weekend with a roomie dinner night

25. Something Cute: Roomies taking me out for a birthday dinner

I'm thinking I might be starting this month a day or so late, but definitely keeping up with the challenge:


  1. Loving this, I'm so happy I'm doing it this month!

    Stop by and say hi sometime!

  2. Looks like a wonderful month! :)

  3. Great photos, love the hat! You bought it right? If not I'm sending you to that shop right now, it looks really cute!
    I've never been spinning but I've heard it's HARD.
