Monday, July 9, 2012

Monday Randoms

This weekend, I rode in a limo:

and went on a boat:

{Look Gabe, you made it on the blog!}

And on that boat, I saw these animals:

And yes, I did find those pictures on Google. Because I'm a bad blogger and didn't get any pictures of the actual animals that we saw. 

I also saw this movie:

And tonight, I'm seeing this movie:

With this girl:

For a much needed GNO. 

Hope you had a great weekend! And are making it through your Monday :)


  1. Ohh Limo rides are so much fun!! Lucky you!
    and seeing dolphins and seals in real life is always beautiful.
    Magic Mike isn't coming out in my town, I'm so diapointed but I hope you love every minute of Channing Tatum's abs!!

  2. Oh I love dolphins, how exciting you saw some!
    Did you enjoy the movie?
