Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Sometimes and Always

I've been wanting to link up with Megan's Sometimes and Always series for a while now, but always end up forgetting! {Fail.}

Not this week! Here it goes:

Sometimes I don't wash my hear every.single.day. 

Always I am appreciative of simple hairstyles that distract from my not-daily-washed hair.

Sometimes it gets exhausting traveling so much. 

Always I am so happy after spending quality time with good friends that I don't get to see very often. 

Sometimes I will get so caught up with a good book that I am reading, that I will feel tempted to choose reading my book over reading the Bible. 

Always I feel so inspired, fulfilled, uplifted and at peace after reading God's word. A feeling that no other book can bring me. 

Sometimes I forget to write a Sometimes and Always post. 

Always I love reading these posts, so it's about time I hop on board. 

Happy Tuesday!


  1. Totally didn't wash my hair today!! Shh!! I always feel so guilty when I get sucked into a book and not the Bible :/

  2. So glad you decided to link up today. You are not the only one that gets so engrossed into books. I try my hardest to read the Bible everyday but i slip too!

  3. Don't wash my hair every day either haha! It's not so healthy to wash it daily!
    And yes, Bible reading brings a lot of rest and joy :)

  4. I wish I could get away with not washing my hair, but the max I can go is like 2 days, then I need to wear a baseball cap or wash it... womp womp. Happy Tuesday, friend!

  5. I have to wash my hair every other day! I am so jealous of girls that say they can go three or four days without washing it!

  6. I really need to find some new ways to style my hair when I don't feel like washing it! Loved your post!!

  7. I totally agree about washing my hair, but I just can't get many styles out of this hair cut. I am your newest follower! Check out my post today at Mostwhatmatters!

  8. Great pictures! Spending time with friends is always great!

  9. Hey there. Thanks for stopping by my blog and for the sweet comment. I love to wear my hair in a side braid too if it's hasn't been washed! Does yours stay in place? Mine aways starts to fall out.

  10. I really loved this! These posts are awesome. Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my blog.

    I think it's pretty amazing that you've managed to stay friends with Amanda for so long. That definitely shows what a great friend you are!

    Anyway, can't wait to read more about you! Congrats on becoming a published author.

  11. Thanks for stopping by! And I always forget to link up with sometimes/always but when I do I am glad!

  12. oh your hair looks lovely in a braid!
    Great post, might do this sometime.
