Thursday, June 7, 2012

Notice Anything Different?

So I know I said I wouldn't be blogging today since my weekend officially started at 4PM, but surprise! Here I am!

And with a few changes too! You like?

About a month or so ago, I got an email from the lovely Amy (love her name!) from The Charming Blog saying that I had was one of her five blog design giveaway winners. I was SO excited! I've been wanting to give this little blog of mine a makeover for some time now, and the timing was just too perfect with winning this giveaway.

Amy was a complete joy to work with. She made my blog everything I wanted, and MORE (check out my new About Me page!).

On top of completely redo-ing my blog, Amy is also planning her wedding for June 16th. Crazy, right? I don't know how she does it all, but she does a great job of it!

Thank you  so much Amy, I really can't thank you enough!

Since I popped in, I couldn't help but link up to Kerrie's Dear Blog Linkup Party.

It's a Linkup Party of everyone's first ever blog post. Such a great idea, right?

The link up is available until the 15th, so head on over and join the party!

Flashback Friday

Okay, now I'm out for real. Happy Friday, everyone!



  1. Such a cute makeover! I just redid mine too, isn't it such a refreshing feeling? I'm finally happy with mine after so long it just renews your creativity.. it did for me anyways!

  2. way cute. definitely love the make over!

  3. Loving the blog makeover! I got so excited when I came on and saw the changes!
