Monday, June 25, 2012

Monday Randoms

1. Summer is officially here:

And I'm pretty stoked about it. I plan to be spending plentyyy of time at that there beach in the next few months. 

2. This is my last week of being 22. And you know what? I'm pretty excited about it. This year has been so, so amazing. Hands down one of my best years, ever. 

And I have a good feeling 23 is only going to be better. 

3. I started this book over the weekend: 

I'm about half way through, and I love it! Can you tell that I'm really easily pleased when it comes to books? It's totally different than Tina Fey's Bossypants, but I just find memoirs so interesting. I would definitely recommend it so far. 

4. I think I'm going to be reading this next: 

Yupp, gonna hop on that train. Any fans out there? 

5. I recorded my very first vlog this weekend. It's for 5ohwifey's Girl Behind The Blog link up:


The link up is Wednesday, so get your vlogs ready and join the party!

6. Still kind of obsessed with Instagram. Here are some recent favs:

Follow me here!

7. I bought my first maxi dress yesterday (among a bunch of other things) and I think I'll be sporting it to my roomie birthday dinner tonight. Expect some pics!

That's all for today, folks. Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend, and is enjoying the sun!



  1. Oh how fun, I can't wait to head to the beach this year!

  2. A Vlog, you are doing a vlog!! HOW EXCITING! Can't wait to see :)
    Also I wanted to let you know I've awarded you the versatile blogger award, yay!

  3. Definitely jump on the 50 series bandwagon. Soo good!! I also love reading celebrity memoirs!

  4. Yay for summer! I have loved my time at the beach so far! I'm ready to go back. ;) Looking forward to your vlog on Wednesday!

  5. Yay for your birthday coming up!!! I LOVE maxi dresses, although mine is mostly to hide all the fat. I'm okay with that.

    If you finish 50 Shades, will you do a post? I could not finish the last book. It was just too painfully awful to get through.

  6. I was hoping to jump on the '50 Shades' bandwagon last weekend, only to discover there's not a single copy of it left in my town!! Target hopes to get more in next week so fingers crossed!!

    I'm actually a big fan of memoirs too, I didn't know Jane Lynch had one out but I think it would be a good read, though definitely wouldn't be stocked where I live.. hello Amazon!

  7. Aww Happy Birthday! That was sweet of your roomies ;) I'm doing the "Girl Behind The Blog" link up too! So excited!
