Thursday, May 24, 2012

On Running

So a little while ago, I mentioned that I was training for a 10K.

It's happening, guys! And turns out, I kind of like running! I am constantly surprised at what my body can do when I do my best to tune out those excuses in my head. 

I've realized that I can actually run for a lot longer than I think I can, I usually just want to stop and walk. So when I ignore that and just keep going, I'm able to see what my body can really do. 

And it's a great feeling to realize that it's true what they say, anyone can become a runner. It's totally a mental thing. 

A few months ago, I posted about the exercises that I've learned in this class.

Guys, if I didn't say it enough then, I seriously can swear by this class. The results are ahhhmazing. My legs are so much more toned than they were before. And I think that has played a big part in my running. I'm finding that I can run longer than I have ever been able to, and without training really. When I was at home for Easter, I had to run for the first time in forever (no more gym membership at home, sad day). I was fully expecting that run to be a sad little pathetic run/jog/let's face it--walk. 

And I was shocked to find that I didn't need to stop to walk. Not once. And I ran farther than I've ever run before. 

I give all the credit to Christine and her BLAST of a workout. 

I can thank her when I cross the finish line of the 10K.

Oh another note, I've found that my body is definitely not loving all of the effects of the running. My knee has been hurting a bit after each run, so I've resorted to trying to stretch more, and icing after. 

Anyone got any suggestions? 

Besides that, I would say that I am loving this new running kick. And I'm definitely hoping to stick with it. 

Yay for running!

1 comment:

  1. Wow Amy well done you. I love your enthusiasm, I haven't done any running in a while with the move and all but feel very inspired to start up again!
    Hope you get that knee sorted soon!
