Monday, May 21, 2012

Fit Club {and A Recipe!}

I bet you thought I had said so long to my Fit Club goals for this year, huh?

You would be about 50% correct. 

So I'm bringing back these Fit Club posts to try and get back on track. Working out, I've kept up with. Eating healthy, ehhh not so much. 

This week, I'm making a few changes to try and switch things up. I find that I crave what I eat, so I'm hoping to cut out some of the carbs and desserts to sub in more of the healthy stuff. Here are some things that will be making an appearance in my diet this week: 

1. Better'n Peanut Butter

I have a major weakness for peanut butter, and if you can limit yourself to a normal portion, I'd say you're fine. But I, cannot. 

Working on that. 

This weekend {weekend recap coming tomorrow!}, my Aunt and Uncle introduced me to this amazing product, Better'n Peanut Butter. I love the taste, it's a creamy, honey/peanut butter flavor. And I'm usually a chunky peanut butter type of gal, so if I'm a fan, that's saying something. 

Best part? It's half the calories of normal peanut butter. Half! And you can find it at Trader Joe's. Score. 

2. Fruit Salad

Fresh fruit is the best, gives me that sweet kick when I'm craving it. Problem is, my fruit will often go bad before I eat it all. Especially if I try buying a lot at once. 

This week, I'm trying something new. I bought a bunch of fruit {strawberries, blueberries, bananas, apples and pineapples} and chopped them all up. I tossed them all together, and into a plastic container to put in the fridge. I figure the fridge will keep them fresh for longer, and since all the preparation is done, it'll be easy to bring some to work every day. 

And now for the recipe:

3. Teriyaki Tofu, Mushroom & Avocado Salad

I'm really excited about this recipe, because it's the first one I've posted that I came up with myself. Not that salad is all that difficult to toss together, but it's still exciting that I'm starting to feel comfortable enough in the kitchen to toss the recipe book aside. 

Well, sometimes. 

Ingredients (for 1 serving):

2 cups baby romaine lettuce
1.5 oz. baked tofu
3 oz. sliced mushrooms
2 tablespoons soyaki (or teriyaki sauce)
1/2 avocado
2 tablespoons cilantro salad dressing


1. Cut the baked tofu into cubes, and saute with sliced mushrooms and soyaki. Soyaki is a Trader Joe's brand of teriyaki sauce. 

2. Cut up the 1/2 avocado, and combine avocado, lettuce and sauteed mushrooms & tofu in a bowl. 

3. Toss with cilantro salad dressing {also Trader Joe's brand, seeing a trend here?}.

This salad is simple, and deeelicious. Perfect for a light meal out in the sun.

Hope you all had wonderful weekends, and if you have any favorite recipes of your own, send them my way! I'd love to try them :)

1 comment:

  1. Fit club...yep I let that one go a bit. Have to start that one again soon.
    Recipe wise I can only say one thing....yum!
