Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Boston, Part 2

Ready for picture overload? Here you go. 

Day 3: Fenway & Back Bay

Blue skies, score.

Day 3 was b-e-a-uuuutiful {name that movie}. For breakfast, we found an amazing spot that had  so many delicious options. The oatmeal bar was calling my name, and I happily indulged in my apple-cinnamon oatmeal creation. 

Morning service, 3 of the 4 roommates

Loved travelling on the T. Definitely something we don't have in SB

Soooo cute

Eat, Drink & Be Merry

Tuna salad for lunch

Back Bay Park

Isn't Back Bay gorgeous?

"Come for worship, stay for cupcakes" - Love it.

Best restaurant of the weekend.

There is no greater love.

Adventure in Little Italy (aka North End)

So I was planning on going over the rest of the trip today, but there just wasn't enough room. 

This trip was seriously amazing, as seen by the amount of pictures that I took on the second day. 

Ah-may-zing I tell you. 

Come back tomorrow for the rest of the trip, k? 

Love ya'll. Happy Tuesday.


  1. Wow, Boston looks so cool. I've always wanted to go, but last time I planned to get there, I ended up in LA instead (funny how life works out sometimes). Thanks for sharing your holiday pictures.. I'll definitely be back for the rest!!

    (and Bruce Almighty right?)

  2. Thanks, Kate! And yeah, it is Bruce Almighty! :)

  3. looks like you had an amazing trip! i've always wanted to go to boston :)

  4. That tower covered in ivy is so cool!
    I'm loving all these photo's. Hoping I can someday visit the place myself.
