Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Pray For Daisy

Being that it's a Tuesday (the day I participate in Kerrie's Life on A Mission link up), it works out perfectly that I have something very near and dear to my heart to share with you all. 

Meet Daisy: 

This gorgeous little girl is the daughter of my Pastor, Britt Merrick. Since attending Reality, Britt never fails to give message after message that speaks straight to my life. My faith has never been stronger, and I can confidently say that I am an entirely different person than when I first set foot on Reality's campus. 

There are many important lessons that I have taken away from Britt's powerful sermons, but there is one extremely relevant message that I would like to share today:

Prayer changes things. 

This may seem fundamental and obvious to some people, but the way that Britt so concisely made the point of how powerful prayer is just really stuck with me. Since hearing that statement, I look at prayer differently. I realize that I have a very strong need for prayer. This world can be rough, and I am far from perfect. I need God's guidance, and as He says in the Bible, I only need to ask through prayer in order to receive it. 

Keep on asking, and you will be given what you ask for. 
Keep on looking, and you will find. 
Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened. 
For everyone who asks, receives. 
Everyone who seeks, finds. 
And the door is opened to everyone who knocks. 

Matthew 7: 7-8

Through experiences in my own life, I am able to have no doubts that God will answer my prayers. The important thing to remember, is that He might not always answer them in the way that I expect. 

And since He knows wayyyy better than I do, I say Amen to that!

I end this post with a prayer request. Britt's daughter, Daisy, has been diagnosed with cancer for the third time. To learn more about their story, go here. Please pray for Daisy, and for her family. As Britt says "We believe in miracles... we believe in Jesus."

There is a reason that Britt taught me that prayer changes things. He taught me, so that I could pray for him. And recruit others to do the same. 

The Lord works in beautiful ways.

Life Linkup


  1. I am definitely learning the discipline of praying for the same thing daily, and that God doesn't always answer prayers in our timing. thanks for the reminder. And I will keep that sweet little girl in my prayers!

  2. wow, how hard that must be for that family and that adorable little girl. Prayer really does change things. Sometimes its in a big drastic way, with big bold miracles, and sometimes its bit by bit in the way it increases our faith and opens our eyes up to his answers. Thanks for linking up, as always! Love you!

  3. Awwww! Daisy is absolutely adorable - I will most definitely keep her and her family in my thoughts and prayers.

    RTT Rebel Badges, Easter Spoilage, Bear Basket Transformation, Regal Dentist Dude

  4. She IS a cutie! I'm a firm believer in prayer. The power of prayer is amazing. I've seen it work on several occasions. I will be thinking about her family as I say prayers tonight.

    Thanks for linking up!

  5. I will keep Daisy in my prayers! My faith has been shaken in the past little while - I've lost two cousins, my grandmother, two uncles, and my dad in the past 18 months...I have to remind myself every day to pray and hold onto my faith in God. Thank you for this post!

  6. I'm a believer in the power of prayer and positive thinking. I try to remind myself of that every single day.

    aww, poor little girl. I will be thinking of her!

  7. Lots of prayers for that beautiful little girl.

  8. The power of prayer is amazing. The ability to know He has all of the answers is hard to comprehend...I'm glad I believe He knows all!

    Thanks for linking up with us!
