Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Life On A Mission

It's Tuesday, which means I'm linking up with the lovely Kerrie for:

Life Linkup

This is one of my favorite link-ups, because it challenges me to be more open about my faith. I've never been one to talk about it very openly unless asked, but that is something that I hope to change. 

Do I want to start pushing my beliefs on others? Of course not. But do I want to share how accepting Jesus as my savior has immensely improved my life? Absolutely!

So thank you Kerrie, for the inspiration :)

God has been doing some major work in my life this year. He is showing me how important and rewarding it is to just let go and trust Him. I've never felt more confident with who I am and where I'm at in life than I do right now. 

But if I'm being honest, this weekend threw me for a loop. I didn't post anything yesterday because I was still working on putting things back together. 

It's not something that I want to go into detail about on bloggy here, and there were luckily no consequences to my actions. But nonetheless, something happened that had me questioning myself. 

For me personally, there is no harder feeling than being disappointed in myself. That's exactly what I felt, and with it, an immense amount of guilt. 

It sucked. But I definitely needed that reality check. 

And with the reality check came an overwhelming realization of how much I need God. How His love and mercy can pull me out of any bad mood or off day. He had already forgiven me, and I needed His help to forgive myself. I needed Him to remind me that my reaction to what I did showed more about me and my character than the action itself. 

And as always, His timing was perfect when I stumbled across this verse:

Yet I still belong to you; you are holding my right hand.
You will keep on guiding me with your counsel, leading me to a glorious destiny. 
Whom have I in heaven but you? I desire you more than anything on earth. 
My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak, 
but God remains the strength of my heart, 
he is mine forever. 

Psalm 73: 23-26

God reminded me this weekend that my faith will always be my foundation. I am human, and I will make mistakes. But God knows that, He made me. And He saved me in spite of my sins. 

And knowing that can pull me out of any rough patch. 

So now that I'm back to feeling like myself again, let's take a breather from the serious stuff, shall we? Here's a sneak peak at posts to come this week:

Remember the photo shoot that I mentioned? Were you wondering why I was in gym clothes and high heels? Well it's because I finally got around to documenting the three leg workouts that will seriously kick your butt. I guess that still doesn't really explain the high heels, but hey. I went all out, okay? This Lower Body Blast class always leaves me with shaking legs and I'm here to share why. 

You're welcome. 

And also, last night my roommates and I had the best Easter party:

Complete with a delicious meal, dying Easter eggs and exchanging Secret Easter Basket gifts, I think it's safe to say we made the Easter Bunny proud. 

So come back soon, will ya?


  1. i'm so glad you made yourself vulnerable to share this with us! It's amazing the muck God is willing to reach into to pull us out. He is too good to us. Love you girl! As always, thanks for linking up! And I can't wait to learn these leg exercises!

  2. Great post! My blog has definitely given me a way to work out my faith more publicly as well. I had a friend (with whom faith is a "do not touch" topic) tell me that she read the Sunday Sit-down post you commented on. I don't know that she got anything from it, but it was cool to me that she knew God was working in my life. Keep sharing, you never know who needs to read it!

  3. I love Kerrie's blog! and love your honesty. I am so thankful for God's grace and that he is our foundation. sometimes it takes those situations/moments in life to bring us closer to him. thanks for sharing! And an easter party? how fun!

  4. God's grace is so amazing! & I think all of us need reminders of it every now and then. It's always so awesome to see others sharing their faith!
