Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Reunited and it feels SO good!

This past weekend was a great one. A reunion with great friends, amazing food, and wine. Lots and lots of wine. I'm gonna let the pictures do the talking, since there's a lot of them: 

I had the best time at dinner. We went to Hollister Brewing Company, which was the same place that Julie, Kristi, Melissa and I went to almost exactly a year ago:

Carly, of course, made it even better. 

Those were the hottest stuffed jalapenos ever. Period. 

 After dinner, we taxi'd home to consume some more wine, catch up on life, and play Uno. 

Which led to waking up with a well-earned wine head ache. 

We didn't have much time to re cooperate, because we were going on a wine tasting tour to celebrate a friend's birthday. 

I know, life's hard. 

Acai bowls for breakfast. Yum!

The birthday girl!
Our group!
After a day of wine tasting, a bbq, and a delicious dinner at Natural Cafe, I happily went to sleep at around 9:30. Super cool, I know

Sunday, we had to say good bye :( After an amazing church service, Kim and I went to the beach to enjoy the perfect weather we were having. 

The Channel Islands looked so gorgeous!
To end another amazing weekend, we had our first Book Club meeting! Complete with amazing snacks and desserts that I couldn't resist.

I liked The Wedding Gift. The characters and plot definitely kept me reading, and we were able  to talk a lot about the historical content of the book. It was crazy to us to see how far we've come as a society. That at one point African Americans were considered to be only 3/5 of a person (voting-wise), and today, we have an African American president. Pretty great to be able to witness that progress, even though I know that there is unfortunately still a lot of racism that goes on today. 

Needless to say, the book provided great conversation topics. Here's our next choice:

And that's all for my weekend. It was definitely a great one, and I hope you all had great weekends too! Let's start the countdown til Friday, shall we?

1 comment:

  1. Ohhhh I love your blue dress, so so pretty!
    What a busy tasting tour...something I need to look into, looks like you had a blast!
