Friday, March 2, 2012

Friday Randoms + A Recipe

So I know I'm supposed to be writing a Flashback Friday post today, buuut I'm switching things up this week. I've got a few random things to mention today, and a recipe that I've been really wanting to post. So I guess I am doing a flashback, to Monday night's dinner. 

That counts, right?

Random Thing # 1: Remember last Friday's Flashback? Where I confessed that I haven't exactly won a softball game for, well, a while now? 

Well that changed this week!

Yupp, we won. It was pretty exciting, not gonna lie. 

Random Thing # 2: Back in January, I participated in my first Blogger Swap. I loved it, and was so excited when IA and Seriously Shawn announced that they were having a swap of their own. Of course I hopped on board, and was paired with the amazing Missy from Oh Missy Me.... She's funny, edgy and so sweet. 

Oh, and did I mention that she gets the best swap gifts?

1. Wine Bottle Hostess Set
2. Food Chopper
3. Body Wash
4. Betty Crocker Cookbook
5. Picture Frame
6. Cocoa Butter Lotion
7. Candle
8. Hand Sanitizer
9. Loofah
10. Body Spray
11. Make Up Remover Wipes
12. Q Tips
13. Socks

Missy, I don't know how you picked out the most perfect gift, but you did! Thank you so much. My roommates and I are really stoked on the food chopper and wine hostess set, and I've already picked out a recipe from the cook book. I seriously love it all! You're amazing and I'm so so glad that we were paired up!

If you haven't already, check out her blog and give her some love for me.

Recipe Time: Monday night, I invited some coworkers over for a dinner party of sorts. There's nothing better to cook for a big group than homemade pizza, so that's what was on the menu:

It was definitely a successful pizza night, with both a caramelized onion/olive/spinach pizza and a cherry tomato/goat cheese pizza to choose from. I figured I'd blog the recipe for the fan favorite, and the winner was... (drum roll please):

Cherry Tomato and Goat Cheese Pizza


1 package refrigerated pizza crust dough 
Trader Joes is always my go-to for pizza dough
1 garlic clove
1 cup cherry tomatoes
To be honest, I didn't really measure
1/2 cup shredded part-skim mozzarella cheese
3/4 cup crumbled herbed goat cheese


1. Preheat oven to 450 degrees.
2. Unroll dough onto a large baking sheet coated with flour. Rub with garlic; sprinkle with cherry tomatoes (cut in half) and cheeses. 
3. Put pizza in oven for 10-15 minutes (depending on how crunchy/soft you prefer your pizza).

Aaand your done! The goat cheese is probably what made this pizza taste so good. 

I adapted this recipe from this Cooking Light recipe, so I'm sure the nutrition facts are very similar:

Per Serving (1 slice, yields 6 servings):

242 Calories
8g Fat
10.7g Protein
33.1g Carbohydrates
0.4g Fiber
17mg Cholesterol 
2.2mg Iron
590mg Sodium
107mg Calcium

Not too shabby for a delicious pizza!

Happy Friday! One more work day separates me from a reunion with my best friends from college.

Let the countdown of hours begin!


  1. Wow those are some fantastic goodies you got in your swap! Lucky girl.
    Your pizza looks so yummy, I love cherry tomatoes and goats cheese so a definite winner recipe for me there!

  2. Wow! Missy went OVER our $25-30 budget! Look at all that amazing stuff! I'm gonna have to get on to her! HA!

    She sent me a package around Christmas time and it was just as amazing. She's so thoughtful. I'm glad you two are hitting it off. Those dog treats you sent to Mia were so thoughtful. Doesn't she have the cutest dog?

    That pizza looks super yummy! I haven't had a slice of pizza in 3 months. =(

  3. Missy picked out awesome stuff for you!! Shawn and IA sure did a great job pairing people up, didn't they? I LOVE all your cool loot! :)

    And that pizza - I am drooooling right about now. YUMMY! I'm saving the recipe - I think there's going to be a make your own pizza night coming up soon... :)

    Have a great weekend! :)

    Random Ponder, Seeking an Antidote for an Anecdote, Naptime Interruptus, Impulsive Swap

  4. What great swap gifts!! Fabulous!! And that pizza looks so yummy! Congrats on the game too!

    Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings

  5. i'm so happy to hear you liked everything i sent you. you are a doll. xoxo
