Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A Weekend In SB

Weekend Photos:

1. What does someone do when they're stuck in traffic in Santa Barbara? Why, take pictures of course. 

2. My absolute favorite street sign in all of Santa Barbara Actually it's in Carpinteria, but close enough!: Santa Claus Lane. See folks, it does exist!

3/4. Spent a day at Dog Beach with Carly this weekend. It's funny how when you live by the beach, you never seem to get there as often as you should. This weekend was the first time in forever that I went to the beach. I loved it. I will most definitely be there again soon. 

1. The lovely Carly and Scooby.

2. That's my college! I love UCSB!

3. Carly and me! It was soo nice being at the beach. I can't wait to get there more! Hoping the weather stays this nice, of course. 

4. Scooby. Isn't he just the most handsome dog ever? Yes, he is.  

I couldn't have asked for a better Saturday. 


  1. This looks like the perfect Saturday. I visited SB many years ago but would love to go back! :)


  2. looks gorgeous! i LOVE california but have never been to sb. now i want to go! i'm from hawaii and it looks relatively similar though :)

  3. Looks beautiful! I used to live by the beach and never went. Easy to just take advantage of knowing it will be there.

  4. I have always wanted to visit Santa Barbara!! I just got back from San Diego and I just love it there! CA is gorgeous!

    Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings

  5. Lovely!

    I totally used to take pics of my university too when I was there(University of British Columbia- so gorgeous!)

    And I totally know what you mean about the beach. I live in Australia, about 10 minutes from stunning beaches, and seem to make it there less and less each year! This is a good reminder for me to try to get there this weekend :)
