Monday, February 13, 2012

Some Progress and a Recipe

Is it just me, or are the weeks flying by? I can't believe it's halfway through February! Time is moving too dang fast. It's Monday, and that means it's Fit Club time. Believe it or not, I actually have some progress to report this week. I'm slightly afraid to write out this update, because the pounds might come back as quickly as they left. But regardless, it's nice to see some pay off to keeping up with most of my resolutions. 

This week, I made it to the gym 5 times, and even tried a new class on Thursday morning. The class is called Body Pump, and it's purely weights. Kind of a nice break from the other days of cardio, and it was really good to work out my arms and other areas that I don't get to very often. My arms/chest sure felt that the next day (hellooo smaller boobs?! maybe one of these days, if I get lucky).

I also tried to really focus on making healthier choices this week. Did I make it all the way to accomplishing the 80/20 rule? Probably not. But I would say that I made some definite progress. And it paid off when I stepped on the scale Thursday morning to see 3.5 pounds less than what I've been seeing every week! That felt pretty good. 

I also went home this weekend for the first time since Christmas. The first thing my mom said when I walked in was Wow! You look great! You've been working out, haven't you? It feels really good to have people notice a difference, especially since the scale doesn't always show a change. 

So for this week's post, I'm sharing the recipe that I made for my family this weekend. It was so easy, and healthy too! Win. 

Tomato Tortellini Soup


1 package (9 ounces) refrigerated cheese tortellini
2 cans (10 3/4 ounces each) reduced-sodium condensed tomato soup, undiluted
2 cups vegetable broth
2 cups fat free milk
2 cups half-and-half cream
1/2 cup chopped oil-packaged sun-dried tomatoes
1 teaspoon onion powder
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon dried basil
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup shredded Parmesan cheese


1. Cook tortellini according to package directions.

2. Meanwhile, in a Dutch oven, combine the soup, broth, milk, cream, tomatoes and seasonings. Heat through, stirring frequently. Drain tortellini; carefully add to soup. Stir in cheese.

Aaand you're done. If you haven't noticed, I only do quick and easy recipes. 

Per serving (1 cup, recipe yields 10. Score!):

245 Calories
11g Fat
42mg Cholesterol
756mg Sodium
27g Carbohydrates
2g Fiber
10g Protein

Hope everyone has a great start to this love-filled week! I will be spending tonight at a pre-Valentine's Day dessert and champagne party. Expect some pictures to come!


  1. Wow!! That soup looks and sounds amazing! I love soup especially if it has pasta and cheese in it!

    CONGRATS on dropping 3.5 pounds! I bet you DO look amazing already. You're a tiny little thing!

  2. 3.5 pounds, YOU GO GIRL!!! I have been wanting to try the body pump class. Maybe this week. I normally do weight training on my own. The class looks fun. Don't you love when people notice your progress, it feels so good. I hope I did as well as you this week. I am def. inspired!! Thanks for the recipe. That looks fabulous. Have a great week.


  3. Congrats on the accomplished health goals! :)

  4. Whoop whoop! Well done on losing 3,5 pounds, you rock!!
    Yummy looking soup by the way, thanks for sharing the recipe.

  5. Congrats on weight loss! I will have to try this recipe out too, it looks great!
    Stopping by from It's a Crafty Life

  6. 3.5 pounds?! That is so awesome, good for you! And your recipe looks delicious, my hubby sooo loves soup, I'll have to give this a try!

  7. Congrats on your weight loss! The soup looks yummy, thank you for sharing!
