Friday, January 20, 2012

Friday Facts!

1. Big news:

See that guy right there? He got his first 3 college acceptances this week. 3 for 3 baby. I'm so happy for my little brother, and I know he'll have a blast in college just like I did. 

2. I had way too much fun with this girl this week:

Tuesday, we went out to a Mexican restaurant where her friend works for some drinks. And Wednesday, we went back to Creekside for some more line dancing. Adding fun into the work week makes it wayy better. 

I had my first ever jello shot in a shot
3. You know what else makes the work week better?

For the last two Thursdays, Kristi and I have met downtown to get frozen yogurt on our lunch break. This week Carly joined us, and I think this is going to become a "yay, it's almost Friday!" tradition.

4. And on the topic of food, Monday's fit club post will include a recipe for these amazing and healthy parmesan crusted chicken tenders:

They were really good, and three tenders are less than 300 calories! Score.

5. And for the Bible verse of the week:

I am praying to you because I know you will answer, O God.
Bend down and listen as I pray.
Show me your unfailing love in wonderful ways.

Psalm 17: 6-7

I love starting and ending my day with prayer. I used to stress a lot when laying in bed, because my mind would just wander. Now, it's become a habit to pray first thing when I wake up and right before I go to sleep. I love it. 

6. I already have my next plan trip planned since San Francisco was such a blast. Sometime either next month or in March, I'll be flying to Sacramento to visit these two:

Amanda, Heather and I
Amanda just had herself a beautiful baby girl, and I cannot wait to meet her. It's already been 8 weeks, so I gotta get my butt up there. 

7. Goal: get my passport sometime this month. I really need to get that thing so I can take my travelling to the next level. Ireland, Italy, Spain, here I come!

8. In about 10 days, I will officially have been working full time for 10 months. 10 months! That's crazy. Maybe sometime I'll get around to doing a post about what I've learned in those ten months (Like don't wear the same skirt that you would wear downtown to your workplace. What? Is that common knowledge?).

9. Carly just posted pictures from like the last 4 months on Facebook, so I had to steal and share this picture of the gorgeous bride from the wedding we went to back in November:

It was her birthday yesterday (actually today, cause I'm totally being a good blogger and planning ahead). Happy Birthday, Justine!!

10. Whew, made it through another 10 facts. They really are hard to come up with! I just can't bring myself to shorten the list. But anyway, I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! And Go Patriots!!


  1. Oh my God, those yogurts looked so good. I love the red velvet frozen yogurt with crushed Oreo pieces. Mmmm!!!!

  2. I really would love the chicken tenders recipe!!!! Yum!!!!

    And those yogurts looked amazing!!

    Have a fabulous weekend!

  3. We just got a yogurt + near us and I have yet to hit it up, but I need to.

    Those chicken tenders look so yummy...and 3 tenders for less than 300 calories? I'm in.
