Sunday, January 8, 2012

Fit Club Update

It's Monday, and that means it's time for my first Fit Club update. Last week, I wrote about my fitness and health goals for 2012 here. It's been a week, and some goals have been easier to stick with than others (to be expected, right?). Let's start with the positive, shall we?

I made it to the gym 5 times this week! + a Sunday morning hike

Monday: Boot Camp class (1 hr)
Tuesday: Lower Body Blast class (1hr)
Wednesday: Took a day off
Thursday: 35 minutes on the treadmill (3.6 miles)
Friday: Spin class (30 min)
Saturday: 25 minutes on the treadmill (2.5 miles)
Sunday: Hike (2 hrs)

Turns out getting a routine down can be pretty helpful for making sure I get in my gym time. I've actually really enjoyed mixing up my work outs, since I can get bored pretty easily. The boot camp and lower body blast classes are really awesome for pushing me to my limits, and making sure I get a nice long work out in (I am usually dying and looking prettyy cute after these classes). I've never been much of a runner, so the treadmill has been a really great challenge for me. This Thursday I ran a straight 5K without stopping, and I have NEVER been able to go that far. I got so excited that I took a picture: 

Yeah I know, I'm cool like that. The spin class was challenging and a great way to start my Friday morning (it was at 6AM!), and the hike was BEAUTIFUL. I definitely need to start hiking more to really appreciate how lucky I am to be living in gorgeous Santa Barbara. 

Kristen and I at the end of our hike
Aaand to the more challenging part of my week, the 80/20 rule. I would say this week I did more of a 60/40 rule, so I've got a bit of improving to do. I really like my carbs, so cutting down on breads, rices and pastas is proving to be a bit of a challenge. But I know I can do it, so this week my goal is to focus on making healthier eating options. I plan on cooking up some healthy meals, so expect a post including some recipes next Monday (you know they'll be quick and easy if I'm cooking them!)

I hope everyone had a good weekend! I certainly did, but more on that to come. 

Happy Monday!


  1. Wow, well done you on all the workouts and your progress on the tredmill!
    You did amazing.

  2. Seriously, I love the carbs too. So hard to cut out! But good for you with all that working out! I'm jealous...wish I was a better runner, but I just can't do it. I do enjoy taking classes though, especially step aerobics. And if it were warm enough to go hiking here (and in shorts!), I totally would. Back to jealous again. Hahaha! Thanks for linking up this week!

  3. Great job Amy!!! Thank you for tour kind words on my blog!! I greatly appreciate the Support!! And I LoVE Santa Barbara!!! I lived there for 2 blissful years when I was 18-20:) I had a lot of fun!!!!

  4. Way to go on the work outs. I would love to do a spin class.

  5. Oh man, hiking is the best isn't it! It makes you appreciate your surroundings so much and gives you a chance to just relax with your thoughts and a friend. Great work on the workouts this week! Keep it up and you'll get there with the 80/20 too, slowly but surely :)

    Erin @

  6. What a great workout routine!
    I think you have a awesome place to go hking! I can't wait until the winter cold & snow is gone so I can get outdoors more!
