Monday, January 30, 2012

Fit Club Update! One Month In...

It's been one month since the new resolutions kicked in, and some have definitely been easier to follow than others. Working out more? That resolution has surprisingly gone pretty well. 

I made it to the gym 6 times this week:

Monday: Core Strengthening class (30 min) and TurboKick (1 hr)
Tuesday: Lower Body Blast (1 hr)
Wednesday: TurboKick (1 hr)
Thursday: 35 minutes on the treadmill (3.6 miles)
Friday: Spin class (30 min) and Core Strengthening class (30 min)
Saturday: 35 minutes on the treadmill (3.7 miles)
Sunday: Took a day off, but did go on a 30 min bike ride!

For the first time in my life, I think I can say that I actually enjoy working out. I always go through phases of getting in a good routine, and falling out of it. I finally feel like I'm starting to actually want to go to the gym. Not like I have to. But after all, it's only been one month. Hopefully I can keep up with this for the other 11.

As for what hasn't been going as well as I would have hoped, well that out be following the 80/20 rule. I'm gonna be real and say that I sucked this past week, like real bad. I may have had cookie dough on more nights than I'd like to admit, and same with pasta. But hey, at least I have the work out routine going for me?

Something that helped me get to the gym multiple times every week was adding variety to my work out routine. I tend to get bored really easily, and I think the same goes for healthy eating. If I'm eating the same snacks/meals every day, I get bored and start craving those amazing carbs that I love oh so much. So what am I working on this week? Variety. I want to cook more, and find more recipes that are both healthy and delicious, starting with this one:

I'll be making this feta-chicken couscous salad tomorrow night for dinner. If it's as good as the other Cooking Light recipes that I've tried, I will definitely be back to share!


  1. Wow! I'm super impressed! You are working out like a rock star!!! Great job!!! Keep it up!

  2. Wow, well done on all your workouts, you are doing amazing!
    Also,that feta chicken couscous salad looks delicious.

  3. Ugh, I am soooo waiting to get to that point where I enjoy working out!! And I wish it would hurry up, because I dread going to the gym so much. I really think part of it is that I don't take many classes. You did such a great job on that this week! Thanks for linking up!
