Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Bull Dogs, Dinner and a Movie

That's what my night consisted of: two slobberly/loveable bull dogs, a delicious dinner and a feel-good movie. It just doesn't get much better than that. 

Blurry, I know

Maybe taking better pictures (aka not forgetting my memory card at home so I'm left with only my camera phone?) should be added to the resolution list. 

That's a bit better

Carly's been dog-sitting these two pups for the past week-ish, so we visited them before heading to dinner/the movies. 

Dinner was deelicious. I got the seared ahi salad with a cup of tomato basil soup. SO good. Then we saw this movie:

I was excited to see the movie, but it was honestly better than I expected it to be. You know, one of those where you walk out feeling all inspired to just go do something big to make a name for yourself? My big plans for the rest of the night, well those would be to do some laundry. That's going in the record books for sure. 

1 comment:

  1. I was wondering if that movie was good, I want to go see it now! Your salad and soup look delicious!
