Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Scenes from Christmas Weekend

As seen from my oh-so-amazing cell phone camera:

Christmas Eve Service

View from my run. I love San Diego.

Christmas Sunset

I hope everyone had an amazing Christmas. I had the best weekend with my family, and got to see some friends too. Not to mention picked up a few pretty awesome gifts. My favorites being these Uggs:

and the pink slip to my car! I am the official proud owner, and one lucky girl. Santa did pretty good this year. 


  1. Your cell phone takes such gorgeous pictures! I love it :) Also I love that you get to live near the beach near Christmas! That must have made it so much better! I’m so happy that you had a great Christmas :)

  2. How have I not been following your blog? I thought I did that forever ago! haha Miss you GIRL!
