Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Wine and Cheese Night

Soo I'm a little behind on this post. What can I say? I'm still a newbie in this blog world. Last weekend seemed to fly by. On Sunday, we went to our third Bikram yoga class. I'll save that for another blog, but basically this class has been kicking my butt. Especially this particular class, seeing as it followed a weekend. Usually after a yoga class, we'll spend the remainder of the night sitting in front of the tv until we crawl into bed at an impressively early hour. But with this class, not so much. After showering (Bikram gets you prettyy gross, sexy I know), we hit Trader Joes for what we had planned to be food shopping. Anyone over 21 should know that it's kind of hard to get through the store without stopping by the wine section (two-buck chuck was pretty much the drink of our senior year). I had grabbed a bottle earlier in the week, so we decided to turn that one bottle into a fabulous wine night by adding some cheese, crackers, fruit, salami, some amazing Trader Joe's bread rolls and what the heck, another bottle of wine:
Our garlic bread creations were pretty amazing if I do say so myself. Just add the cheese of your choice (parmesan, fontina, bree, dublin, you name it, we tried it) and maybe some garlic salt/powder and you get some bomb garlic rolls. If there's one thing we know how to do right, it's a good old wine and cheese night. I couldn't have asked for a better way to end a great weekend.

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