Monday, September 9, 2013

Influence Link Up!

Today I am so excited to be linking up with my fellow Influence Conference attendees! I have been looking forward to this since I was commenting on everyone's posts last year saying "I wish I was there!!" Can't believe it's finally almost time to meet all of these incredible ladies who I feel like I already know in real life!

If we haven't already met yet, hello! I'm Amy. 

I'm a southern California girl who most commonly blogs about Jesus, fashion and running, and who only photographs at the highest quality provided by an iPhone. 
Oh, and I cannot wait to meet you!

Speaking of the conference, let's talk about the 
2 things that I will for sure have packed in my bag:

Well, the first 2 items would definitely be my Bible and my journal, but next on the list is my brand spankin' new Erin Condren life planner.

You may have already read all about my obsession yesterday, but in case you missed it, feel free to see more pics and gushing over here

Next would be my Sweet Home SB business cards that I made specifically for this occasion!

These bad boys have been ready to go, right in my purse ever since I got them in the mail. You might call that being prepared, but really it's just because I would forget to pack them. 

Kind of like I forgot to put my own name on my business cards. {Feel free to laugh}

But let's be real, it totally looks like I meant to add the personalized touch of a signature. ;)

Next, let's chat about the 2 things that I am most excited for

First and foremost is meeting so many of my closest blog friends. All in one place, at one time. I don't think it can get much better than that!

And second would definitely be the learning. Call me a textbook nerd, but I love learning. When you combine that love of learning with learning about Jesus? Well, I'll say it one more time, I don't think it can get much better than that!

Usually, I'm asking time to slow down. But I'm all for the next 2 weeks flying by. 

Happy Tuesday!



    I can't wait to see your smiling face at an ungodly hour in a terminal at o'hare! I am just so stoked for all Jesus has in store for us on this adventure.

  2. LOL!!! I didn't realize you forgot your name until you mentioned it.

    Have fun!! :D

  3. Hey Amy! Stopping by from the link up :). I'm also obsessed with my Erin Condren planner and learning! Your nerdiness won't be alone haha! Nice to meet you!

  4. I totally thought you just meant to personally sign all your cards! :) Glad to know you are a fellow cryer and hugger! I will share my box of Kleenex if your forget yours!

  5. Can't wait to see you girl! And get one of those gorgeous blog cards of yours :)

  6. haha, I didn't even notice that you didn't have your name on the cards, but it's true, if you hadn't signed them, we wouldn't have been able to remember your name! :P I love the handwritten touch, though!

    The Random Writings of Rachel

  7. Wait, your name isn't Sweethomesb? All this time I've been so misled! :) Still, your business cards are pretty cute. And I totally pack things early that i would forget otherwise, too.

    I'm so glad you get to go this year! I didn't get to go last year either... so this is pretty exciting stuff. Hopefully we get to meet!

  8. Amy, I absolutely love those business cards! They're gorgeous. I'm so excited that you get to go to the conference, too. It's supposed to be amazing :)

  9. LOVE your cards!! That would be a great conference to go to!!

  10. Your cards are adorable and I love the added signature. ;) Hope we can meet at the conference!

  11. Your cards are too cute girl! And I'm so excited for you to get to go to Influence this year! I know I'll be sitting here in jealousy the entire weekend. Can't wait to hear about it and see all the lovely photos!

  12. As you already know, I CAN'T WAIT to meet you!

    And I think the signature is really cute :)

  13. I can't wait to meet you, friend!

  14. I'm just going to pretend that you ONLY signed mine. Yep. That's why I'll do. You know, once I'm done hugging you forever.

  15. I'm excited for the learning too! And I also have had an Erin Condren calendar in the past and loved it! :) You are the cutest and I hope to meet you!

  16. ummm, I love the signature on the card! :) ...see you in Indiana

  17. I think your cards are amazing and the hand-signed signature is just a unique touch that will make you stand out! I can't wait for the conference - two weeks!

    P.S. I love, love, love my Erin Condren planner.

  18. AMY! Cannot wait to fall into friendship soon.

    And those cards? Make me love living in Cali even more.

  19. AMY! Cannot wait to fall into friendship soon.

    And those cards? Make me love living in Cali even more.

  20. How cool you get to go to one of these, I can't wait to read all about it! Can I just say that those are some of the cutest business cards I have ever seen!!

  21. Hi Amy! Love your name- it's mine too! I also love my Erin Condran calendar. My daughter (who is closer to your age than mine-she is 20) got me one two years ago for my birthday. Then I bought both of us one for Christmas last year. I look forward to meeting you and all the other wonderful women of Influence. Amy

  22. I'm seriously that girl you were last year telling everyone how I wish I could go!! lol. I'd totally love to meet all of my ladies in person! :)

  23. Your cards are so cute! I too am so excited about actually getting to meet all my lovely friends in person finally! Would love to meet you girl! :)

  24. so jealous of your Erin Condren planner.. she is amazing!

    Hoping to score one of those super cute biz cards, too. Excited to meet you!! xo
